Advance Check In

At times, when guests arrive to the property prior to a room being ready, you can flag a reservation as Advance Checked In for arrivals due in on the current business date. This enables guests to post charges to their reservation folio prior to check in, and helps the rooms management team prioritize room cleaning and assignment. Individual reservations (including Walk In reservations, Pre Registered reservations, and reservations that are in Queue) and group block reservations can be Advance Checked In.

An Advance Checked In reservation with an assigned room does not affect the room occupancy status and is not deducted from inventory until the reservation is checked in. Flagging a reservation as Advance Checked In (or reversing an Advance Checked In reservation) is recorded in the Changes Log.

Benefits to the Guest and to the Property

Advance Check In with the Expected Time of Return (ETR) parameter On provides the following benefits.

The guest can:

  • Post charges to their reservation folio prior to checking in.

  • Receive notifications when the room is ready.

The rooms management and front office teams can:

  • Easily identify which reservations are indicated as Advance Checked In.

  • Prioritize and sort Advance Checked In reservations by expected time of return (ETR).

  • Assign rooms to reservations based on expected time of return (ETR).

  • Add ETR comments that link to the ETR time.

  • Set Advance Checked In reservations to automatically check in based on room status.

  • Check in multiple Advance Checked In reservations (Mass Advance Check In).

Advance Check In Process Flow

This figure shows the Advance Check In process flow.