Advanced Dynamic Base Rates


The Advanced Dynamic Base Rate enables you to create a rate derived from another rate (a Base Rate) or derived from both a Base Rate and a BAR Based rate. This rate structure provides flexibility by enabling you to configure the rate as either a flat amount or a percentage. In addition, you can choose to apply the BAR rate amount to the Advanced Dynamic Rate calculation and you can optionally select a rounding method. Advanced Dynamic Base Rate also offers the ability to compare the rate configuration details with other Base Rate amounts.

Compare with Pricing Schedules

The Compare with Pricing Schedules check box in the Advanced Dynamic Base Rate on the Rate Code Type panel to compare the rate amount calculated on the pricing schedule using the Advanced Dynamic Base Rate's base rate code and  the amount calculated using the BAR rate and then shows the lowest rate per day in the Look to Book search results.

When the Compare with Pricing Schedules check box is selected , the rate amount calculated on the pricing schedule using the Advanced Dynamic Base Rate's base rate code is compared to the amount calculated using the BAR rate (for that date and the same number of persons and room type) and then shows the lowest rate per day in the Look to Book search results.

Bar Applied To Pricing Schedule

When Bar Applied to Pricing Schedule OPERA Control is active, the Apply BAR check box is also available on the pricing schedule under the Base Type field. Select this check Box to indicate which pricing schedule will be BAR based.

Bar Details Display Option

When Bar Details Display Option OPERA Control is active and the Apply BAR check box is selected, the BAR Base Type , BAR Base Amount and rounding fields are displayed on the pricing schedule panel  and you can define a different amount/type/rounding to apply to the BAR instead of using the Base Rate fields.

Example 13-3 Example 1

  • ADBR (Advanced Dynamic Base rate) = to be determined

  • BASE1 (BASE rate) = $100.00

  • BAR1 (BAR rate) = $80.00

Rate configuration for ADBR with only Apply Bar selected:

Table 13-12 Rate Code Setup

Base Amount BAR Base Amount Apply BAR Compare with Rate Details

$10.00 (Flat)




Table 13-13 Look To Book Rate Availability Result

Rate Code Nights Adults Amount





The BAR (BAR1) rate amount (with 10% added) was returned for the ADBR rate amount.
Rate configuration for ADBR with both Apply BAR and Compare with Pricing schedule options selected:

Table 13-14 Rate Code Setup

Base Amount BAR Base Amount Apply BAR Compare with Rate Details

$10.00 (Flat)




Table 13-15 Look To Book Rate Availability Result

Rate Code Nights Adults Amount





The lower of the two rate amounts (between the BASE1 and BAR1) was returned for the ADBR rate code.

Example 13-4 Example 2

  • ADBR (Advanced Dynamic Base rate) = to be determined

  • BASE1 (BASE rate) = $50.00

  • BAR1 (BAR rate) = $80.00

Rate configuration for ADBR with both Apply BAR and Compare with Rate Details options selected:

Table 13-16 Rate Code Setup

Base Amount BAR Base Amount Apply BAR Compare with Rate Details

$10.00 (Flat)




Table 13-17 Look To Book Rate Availability Result

Rate Code Nights Adults Amount





The BASE (BASE1) rate amount (with $10.00 added) was returned for the ADBR rate amount. This was the lower of the two rate amounts (between the BASE1 and BAR1).
Rate configuration for ADBR with only Apply BAR selected:

Table 13-18 Rate Code Setup

Base Amount BAR Base Amount Apply BAR Compare with Rate Details

$10.00 (Flat)




Table 13-19 Look To Book Rate Availability Result

Rate Code Nights Adults Amount





The BAR (BAR1) rate amount with 10% added was returned for the ADBR rate amount.