Using the Expression Editor

The expression editor provides selectable values to build an SQL expression, using String, Number, Date, Boolean, and conversion functions. You can also select from a list of SQL functions, separators, operators, and system variables such as PMS_P.BUSINESS_DATE or PMS_P.RESORT.

Use the [ADD] [ADD BEFORE] and navigation controls to determine the placement of the selected function, operator, separator, string or numeric values.


To join multiple string elements together use the ‘||’ concatenation operator in your expression.

Table 8-2 Example of expressions

Type Expression

Pre Export Procedure


Post Export Procedure


Filter condition

inactive_date is null and NAME_TYPE = 'D' and COUNTRY = 'US' and FIRST is not null and TOTAL_ROOM_REVENUE > '1000'

Filter condition










  1. Click the pencil icon to create or edit an SQL expression.

  2. Select a procedure, API, operator, function or other element from the list.


  3. Enter text into String field to add text to the expression.


  4. Enter a numeric value to the Number field to add a number to the expression.

  5. Click [ADD] to append the selection after the yellow highlighted entry.

  6. Click [REPLACE] to replace the highlighted entry

  7. Click [DELETE] to delete highlighted entry

  8. Use [<] and [>] to move through the entries in the expression.

  9. Repeat steps to construct the expression; inserting elements where required.

  10. Click OK when complete.


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