Posting Credit Card Rebates to a Reservation Account

You can post a rebate (refund) to a credit card, by entering a negative Amount, when your role is granted the Post Negative Amounts task. When the Credit Card Rebate Validation OPERA Control is active, the rebate Amount is checked against the previous amount charged to the credit card, to ensure the rebate does not exceed the original payment amount posted; the Credit Card Rebate Can Exceed Credit Card Payments task is required to override the rebate amount validation. When the Mandatory Reference Negative Payments OPERA Control is active, you must enter a value in the Reference field.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk and then select In-House.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results, click I Want To . . . and select Billing.

  4. On the Manage Billing screen, click Post Payment and complete the following

    1. Window. Select the billing window for the payment.

    2. Method. Enter or select a credit card payment method from the list.

      1. Card Number. Enter the credit card number (PAN).


        When integrated with payment partner click Get Token to read the details from card tapped on an EMV terminal.
      2. Card Expiry. Enter the credit card expiry date (MM/YY).

      3. Card Holder. Enter the name of the card holder.

      4. Apply Surcharge. Select to apply a credit card surcharge (available when the Credit Card Transaction Surcharge OPERA Control is active).

    3. Amount. Enter the negative payment amount.

      1. The Total Amount includes any surcharge calculated.

      2. Click Change Payment Currency to change the currency for the payment (available when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active).

      3. The Override Debit Activity to Process Rebate dialog appears. If you want to override the validation against the original amount, select the check box. If the rebate amount is greater than the original charge, OPERA Cloud prompts this message: Debit Activity for Credit Card Rebate is Insufficient.

    4. Supplement. Enter any supplementary information text.

    5. Reference. Enter any reference information. When the Mandatory Reference Negative Payments OPERA Control is active, this field is mandatory for negative payment amounts to ensure a reason is provided.

    6. Click Apply Payment.