Managing Reservation Housekeeping and Task Schedule

Editing Reservation Housekeeping Details

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in the search result, click I Want to. . ., select Housekeeping or click the Housekeeping link in Reservation Presentation.

  4. Click Edit on the housekeeping panel and enter the following details:

    1. Service Time: Enter the requested service time.

    2. Turndown: Click to include this reservation in the Turndown task.

    3. Guest Service Request: Select a status if applicable (Available when the Guest Service Status OPERA Control is active).

    4. Prioritize: Select check box to prioritize the room in the housekeeping task companion .

    5. Room Instructions: Enter any room instructions to display in the task companion or output on task sheet reports. (Defaults from notes on the primary profile based on the Housekeeping Profile Note Type OPERA Control).

  5. Click Save.

Creating Reservation Housekeeping Task Schedule

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in the search result, click I Want to. . ., select Housekeeping or click the Housekeeping link in Reservation Presentation.

  4. Click New to add a new schedule, enter the following details:

    1. Task: Select a task from the list.

    2. Entire Stay: Select to perform the task for the entire stay. This check box works with the Every XX Days and the Starting on Day fields.

    3. Every: Specify how frequently, in days, the task is to be completed.

    4. Day to Start: Select the day of stay to start the schedule.

  5. Supplies: Click New to add supplies for the task.
    1. Code: Select the supply item.

    2. Quantity: Enter a quantity.

  6. Repeat to add additional items.

  7. To delete a supply item, highlight the item and click the vertical ellipsisActions menu, and click Delete.

  8. Click Save.

Editing Reservation Housekeeping Task Schedule

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in the search result, click I Want to. . ., select Housekeeping or click the Housekeeping link in Reservation Presentation.

  4. Select a date in the calendar then click Edit to update the scheduled task.

  5. Update the scheduled task and supplies.

  6. Click Save.

Deleting Reservation Housekeeping Task Schedule

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in the search result, click I Want to. . ., select Housekeeping or click the Housekeeping link in Reservation Presentation.

  4. Click the vertical ellipsisActions menu, and click Delete.

  5. Click Delete to confirm.

Resetting Reservation Housekeeping Task Schedule to Defaults

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in the search result, click I Want to. . ., select Housekeeping or click the Housekeeping link in Reservation Presentation.

  4. Click Vertical Ellipsis and click Reset.

  5. Click Reset to confirm.

Extending the Stay Dates with Customized Task Schedule

When the stay dates for a reservation having a customized task schedule are amended / extended, OPERA Cloud prompts you to indicate how you want to proceed. Choose one of the options and select the OK button:
  • Remove Customized Schedule and recreate Default Schedule: Choose this option if you want to cancel the existing customized task schedule and replace it with the default task schedule for all days (or all remaining days if the guest has checked in) of the stay. The default facility schedule consists of the tasks configured for the room type. The New action is available if you later decide to customize the default task schedule.

  • Keep Customized Schedule and Update Additional Nights: Choose this option if you want to retain the existing customized task schedule and automatically apply the default tasks to the extra stay dates being added. (The reservation arrival date is used as the basis for determining task frequency scheduling for the added dates.)

  • Keep Customized Schedule and Do Not Update Additional Nights: Choose this option if you want to retain the existing customized task schedule without automatically setting default facility tasks for the stay dates being added. (This is the default option.) You can manually add, edit and delete tasks for the schedule.