Advance Check In Tile

The Advance Check In tile on the home dashboard page provides statistical information to identify the number of Advance Checked In individual and block reservations for today (the property’s current business date), and to differentiate between today’s Advance Checked In reservations that are Checked In and those that are still in Advance Checked In state.

The Advance Checked In tile is divided into three areas: Current, Checked In, and Total for Today. Each area links to the Advance Checked In search screen prefiltered for that area:

  • Current - The number of arrival (due in) individual and block reservations that are in Advance Checked In state.

  • Checked In - The number of individual and block reservations that were indicated as Advance Checked In today and are now checked in to the property.

  • Total for Today - The total number (current plus checked in) of individual and block reservations for today. This total includes Advance Checked In reservations that were checked in and checked out of the property on the same day, such as Day Use reservations.

This figure shows the Advance Check In tile and its Current, Checked In, and Total for Today link areas.

Table 1-3 Advance Check In Tile

Reservation Type Currently in Advance Checked In State Previously in Advance Checked In State and now Checked In to the Property Total for Today

Individual reservations



45 = 15 Advance Checked In + 30 Checked In reservations

Block reservations



24 = 10 Advance Checked In + 14 Checked In reservations