Configuring Scheduled Task Credit Rules

Prerequisites for Configuring Scheduled Task Credit Rules

Task credit rules enable you to add various credits to the auto-generated task sheets. Credit rules can be configured for Travel, Specials, Miscellaneous and Facility (Task Codes). Adding these rules will make it easy to break out the rooms evenly and fairly for all attendants. When the Building Management OPERA Control is active, you can setup task credit rules per building. Configuring Buildings.

Adding Scheduled Task Credit Rules

  1. Select the Administration menu, select Inventory, and then select Credit Rules.

  2. Click New and complete the following fields:

    1. Rule Type: Select a rule type

      • Traveling - A Traveling Rule adds extra credit to a task sheet when rooms from multiple Buildings, Section Groups, Sections and/or Floors are assigned.

      • Specials - A Special Rule adds extra credit to a room when the defined Specials are attached to a reservation.


        Special rule credits are added to each one of the physical rooms that make up a component suite (available when the Component Suites OPERA Control is active. For example, if a Special rule is configured for a Rollaway Special code for 5 extra credits and this Special Code is selected in a reservation that is assigned to a component suite, then the 5 extra points are added to each one of the physical rooms that make up that component suite.
      • Facility Task - A Facility Rule adds extra credit to a task sheet when certain Task Code conditions exist. If multiple Facility Task rules are true for a Task Sheet they are all applied on top of each other. For example, a rule states 5 extra credits for the Task Sheet if more than 8 departures (Task Code FS for example), another rule states 10 extra credits for the Task Sheet if more than 10 departures, and another rule states 15 extra credits for the Task Sheet if more than 12 departures. All three rules are considered and if the Task Sheet has 14 departures on it, each with 20 credits for the room/task, the total would be 310 credits (280+5+10+15). If the Max Credit is set to 300, then the last room would be moved to the next sheet as it would exceed the Max Credit.

      • Miscellaneous - A Miscellaneous Rule adds extra credit to a Task Sheet when certain conditions exist. For example, a Rule could be set up to add credits for a team meeting or other scenarios where the attendant is occupied with anything other than cleaning a room.


         If there is a Credit Value of 60 and a Miscellaneous rule is set up for buildings 1 and 2 and if there is a team meeting held every Wednesday and an attendant has rooms from buildings 1 and 2 on their Task Assignment sheet on that day, the attendant receives the 60 credits only once.
    2. Property: Enter or select the property.

    3. Code: Enter a code for the credit rule.

    4. Description: Enter a description for the credit rule.

    5. Based On: Select what the credits are based on. (Not available for the Miscellaneous rule type).

    6. Minimum Task Count: Specify a threshold for each Task Assignment sheet. (Available for the Facility Task Rule Type only).

    7. Credit Value: Specify the number of credits for each task assignment sheet.

    8. Apply To: Select an option.

      1. House: Select to apply to the entire property.

      2. Building: Select to apply to a specific building (Available when the Building Management OPERA Control is active).

        1. Building: Select a building from the list.

    9. Automatically Apply On: Select the days of the week this rule is to default in the Credit Rules field when auto generating task sheets. 

  3. Click Save.


All Credit Rules are cumulative; meaning that if duplicates are configured, for example, Mon, Tue, and Wed a roll-away (Special rule) is set up with 5 credits; and then Wed, Thu, and Fri it is set up with 4 credits; therefore, on Wednesdays, 9 credits are added to the task sheet.

Editing Scheduled Task Credit Rules

  1. Select the Administration menu, select Inventory, and then select Credit Rules.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the credit rule, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.
    1. Inactive: Select check box to make a code inactive; inactive codes are not available for selection.

    2. Update the configuration.

    3. Click Save.

Deleting Scheduled Task Credit Rules

  1. Select the Administration menu, select Inventory, and then select Credit Rules.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the credit rule, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.