Generating Batch Account Receivable Reminder Letters

Use reminder letters to generate a letter based on the defined reminder cycle for the AR Account Type. Reminder letters are set up using the Stationery Editor in the Accounts Receivable Reminders and Statements report group.

When the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active the Cycle appears; otherwise the Age appears. The Reminder Details screen sorts reminder letters in the order in which they were set up, starting with the first letter that was configured. This is typically the order in which these letters are generated for reminder letter mailings. There may be more than one letter "queued up" to be generated for the account depending on the age of the account balance and which letters have already been generated. When Simple Reminder OPERA Control is inactive, reminder letters are sorted based on the number of days in the reminder cycle, lowest to highest. For this parameter setting, reminder letter mailings are generated depending on the age of the account balance, not on which letters have already been mailed. For example, assuming there are 30, 60, and 90 day cycles, if the account balance is 63 days old when letters are generated, the 60 day letter is sent, regardless of whether the 30 day letter was sent.

Generating AR Account Reminder Letters

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Account Receivables, select Manage Account Receivables, and then search for accounts.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select the AR Account(s) to process in the search result , then click Process Selected Reminders.

    1. View in Currency: Select a currency from the list (Available when the Multi-currency OPERA Control is active)

    2. Select reminders to generate. To select multiple, hold down the Control key and click each row

    3. Click Process Reminder.

    4. Select a destination.

    5. Click Process.

Viewing Reminder Letter History

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Account Receivables, select Manage Account Receivables, and then search for accounts.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select the AR Account(s) to process in the search result , then click Process Selected Reminders.

  4. Click History for an AR Account listed.

    1. Enter search criteria, then click Search.