Configuring Transaction Codes

Adding Sales Charge Transaction Codes


When the MultiProperty OPERA Control is active, new transaction codes are created by selecting the Template tab. Once created, you can copy transaction to specific properties using the Copy action. See Copying Configuration Codes to Multiple Properties for more information.


When the Country Mode = PL (Poland) in the property, country specific Service Types are available for selection.

Sales charges are all revenue, non-revenue and tax charges.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Transaction Management, and then select Transaction Codes.

  2. Click New and complete the following:

    1. Code: Enter a numeric code; maximum of six digits.

    2. Description: Enter a description for the transaction code (appears in Billing and on the folio).

      1. Manage Translation: Click link to configure localized descriptions. For more information, see Configuring Localized Code Descriptions. Localized description appears on stationery (example: folio), based on Language selected in the profile. (Available when the Multi Language OPERA Control is active).

    3. Subgroup: Select a transaction sub-group from the list. This selection determined whether the transaction code is Sales, Payment or Wrapper based on the associated group configuration.

    4. Transaction Type: Select a transaction type from the list. Transaction types are used to group similar transaction codes in reports. This field is optional; however, certain reports (Managers Report, Financial Transactions with Generates, Financial Transactions by Folio No.) output financial information and totals based on the Transaction Type. Available options are Lodging, Food and Beverage, Telephone, Minibar, Other Revenue, Tax, Non-Revenue or blank.

      1. Tax Code: Enter a tax bucket (1-20) to provide a sub-total on the folio footer using the elements: TAX_DESC1 /  VAT1_AMT / NET1_AMT through to TAX_DESC20 / VAT20_AMT / NET20_AMT and in reports. (Enabled when Transaction Type = Tax).

    5. Adjustment Code: Select a (separate) transaction code to use when posting an adjustment to charges posted on this transaction code. 

    6. Default Price: Enter a default price for sale charge transaction codes. The price will populate to the amount field when posting a charge in Billing or Accounts Receivable.

    7. Minimum Amount: Enter a minimum charge amount. If the minimum is not met, a warning message appears when posting a charge.

    8. Maximum Amount: Enter a maximum charge amount. If the maximum is not met, a warning message appears when posting a charge.

    9. Accounting Code: Enter a GL accounting code for the transaction code.

    10. Quantity Code: Enter a default quantity to post.

    11. Options

      1. Revenue Group: Select this check box if this sales transaction code is revenue. If unchecked the charges posted are treated as non-revenue.

      2. Paid Out: Select this check box if the transaction code is used for posting cash paid out. Paid out transaction codes must be linked to a sales charge transaction group via the subgroup.

      3. Point Redemption: Select this check box if this sales or wrapper transaction code is eligible for payment award redemption. (Available when the Loyalty Payment Award with Eligible Transactions OPERA Control is active)

      4. Include in Dep/Cxl: Select this checkbox to include the transaction code in the calculation of deposit and/or cancellation rule fees. You can use this feature to include / exclude costs such as packages, tax generates, and fixed charges associated with a reservation when calculating deposit requests and cancellation penalties.

      5. Membership: Select this check box if the sales transaction code is eligible for membership points. (Available when the Loyalty Member Configuration OPERA Control is active).

      6. Generates Inclusive: Select this checkbox if the amount posted is inclusive of all tax generates. In not selected tax generates will posted additional to the amount posted.

      7. Check Number Mandatory: Select this check box if a check number must be entered when posting charges using this transaction code

      8. Manual Posting: Select this checkbox to enable manual posting in Billing and Accounts Receivable; if not selected charges can only be posted from an integrated systems such as POS, PBX or Video or automatically during End of Day. For example, Accommodation.

      9. Post Covers: Select check box to post and adjust covers (Available when the Post Covers OPERA Control is active).

      10. Service Type: Select a value from the list (enabled when the Service Type OPERA Control is active for Wrapper and Sales charge transaction codes).

  3. Click Save.

Adding Payment Transaction Codes


 When the MultiProperty OPERA Control is active, new transaction codes are created by selecting the Template tab. Once created, you can copy transaction to specific properties using the Copy action. See Copying Configuration Codes to Multiple Properties for more information.

Payments include Cash, Check, Credit Card, AR (City Ledger) Transfer and other payments such as EFT, Bank Transfer.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Transaction Management, and then select Transaction Codes.

  2. Click New and complete the following:

    1. Code: Enter a numeric code; maximum of eight digits.

    2. Description: Enter a description for the transaction code (appears in Billing and on stationery).

      1. Manage Translation: Click link to configure localized descriptions. For more information, see Configuring Localized Code Descriptions. Localized description appears on stationery (example: folio), based on Language selected in the profile. (Available when the Multi Language OPERA Control is active).

    3. Subgroup: Select a payment-associated sub-group from the list.

    4. Transaction Type: Leave selection blank.

    5. Payment Details: Enabled for payment transaction codes; based on the sub-group selected.

      1. Payment Type

        1. Credit Card: Select this option if the payment transaction code is a credit card transaction code.

        2. Cash: Select this option if the payment transaction code is a cash transaction code.

        3. Check (Cheque): Select this option if the payment transaction code is a check transaction code.

        4. Other: Select this option if the payment transaction is none of the above (Examples: Bank Deposit, T/Agent Commission, Direct Bill Transfer, Merchant Commission). 

      2. Processing Type (for credit card transaction codes).

        1. EFT (OPI): Select this option if the credit card payment transaction code is processed by an integrated payment partner.

        2. Manual: Select this option if the credit card payment transaction code is manual managed in Accounts Receivable.

          1. AR Account: Select the accounts receivable account to use for the current payment transaction code. This determines the AR account to which all credit card postings are transferred. For example, you might specify an AR account if you want to transfer a specific type of credit card payments (for example, American Express) to an AR account to enable tracking the remittance by the credit card merchant.

    6. Options

      1. Cashier Payments: Select this checkbox to enable the payment transaction code in Billing 'cash' windows 1-8 (Guest Ledger).

      2. Round Factor: For more information, see About Rounding Factors (Available when the Rounding Factor OPERA Control is active).

      3. AR Payments: Select this checkbox to enable the payment transaction code in Accounts Receivable (City Ledger).

      4. Deposit Payments: Select this checkbox to enable the payment transaction code in deposits (Deposit Ledger). (Available when the Deposit Handling OPERA Control is active).

      5. Comp Payment: Select this checkbox if this payment transaction code is available for settlement of comp windows 101-108 in Billing. Gaming badge.

  3. Click Save.

Adding Package Wrapper Transaction Code

When the MultiProperty OPERA Control is active, new transaction codes are created by selecting the Template tab. Once created, you can copy transaction to specific properties using the Copy action. See Copying Configuration Codes to Multiple Properties for more information.

This internal transaction code is referenced in the Default Package Transaction Code OPERA Control and selected in rate code financial details and used to post the package charge to the reservation account.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Transaction Management, and then select Transaction Codes.

  2. Click New and complete the following:

    1. Code: Enter a numeric code; maximum of eight digits.

    2. Description: Enter a description for the transaction code (appears in Billing and on stationery.)

      1. Manage Translation: Click link to configure localized descriptions. For more information, see Configuring Localized Code Descriptions. Localized description appears on stationery (example: folio), based on Language selected in the profile. (Available when the Multi Language OPERA Control is active).

    3. Subgroup: Select the wrapper-associated sub-group from the list.

    4. Transaction Type: Leave selection blank.

    5. Service Type: Select G- Goods or S- Services from list (Available when the Service Type OPERA Control is active )

  3. Click Save.

Editing Transaction Codes

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Transaction Management, and then select Transaction Codes.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the transaction code in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

    1. Update configuration.

    2. Inactive: Click to inactivate the transaction code. Inactive codes are not available for future use but retained for historical purposes.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Transaction Codes

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Transaction Management, and then select Transaction Codes.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the transaction code in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.

Performing Transaction Code Health Check

To evaluate the accuracy of a transaction code configuration.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Transaction Management, and then select Transaction Codes.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the transaction code in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Health Check.

    1. Review the result.

    2. Click Usages Info to view details on what configuration references the transaction code.