Configuring Property Interface Primary Information

Editing Interface Primary Information

  1. From the Administration menu, select Interfaces, then select Property Interfaces.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the interface in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsisActions menu and select Edit.

  4. Select the Primary Information link.

  5. ClickEdit.

    1. IFC8 Product Code: Will auto-populate based on the Product Code.

    2. Name: Enter the display name of the system for identification.

    3. Cashier ID: Select a cashier ID for the interface from the list. See Configuring Cashiers.

    4. Path ID: Enter the Path ID of the interface. In most cases this is 1. Only if the vendor is supporting MultiProperty with one interface, is there a need for more. If setting up a MultiProperty, the first property must be defined as 1, and all subsequent properties must follow sequentially and with no gaps.

    5. Machine: Select a server name from the list (where Interfaces>Machines have been configured) where the IFC Controller is installed.

    6. Timeout: Enter a timeout value in seconds on how long the UI will wait for response on outbound messages (Room key and credit card transaction requests).

    7. Version: Will auto-populate once an IFC Controller connects with the specific interface.

    8. Message Expires After (minutes): Enter the number for minutes that will remove a stale outbound record from the table at startup of the interface.

    9. Menu Type: Select the system type menu that can be used.

    10. Menu Name: Enter a descriptive name for the menu item (Miscellaneous>Property Interface Control).

    11. Inactive: Select checkbox to inactivate the interface (not yet in use for outbound/inbound messages).

  6. Click Save.