Closing Cashiers

Close Cashier enables you to view and audit charges posted during your shift, the closing balances for charges, confirm your shift drop amounts, print your daily reports, and close your shift.


When you close your cashier, you are not logged out of OPERA Cloud. You may continue to use other features, however to perform cashiering activities, you will be prompted to re-open your cashier. The number of times your cashier can be opened and closed during a single business day is set for your cashier ID in Cashier Configuration.


When the Blind Cash Drop Cashiering control is enabled all transactions (charges) are displayed except for Cash and Check transactions.

Closing Your Cashier

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, select Cashier Closure.

  2. When the Force Cashier Login OPERA control is enabled, the Cashier Login screen appears, prompting you to confirm your cashier ID and enter your user PIN to continue.

Property Selection

In MultiProperty operations you may have posted charges and payments to reservation accounts or AR accounts in various properties. The property selection panel allows you to select each property in order to reconcile transactions and enter shift drop details for the property, click a property in the list to refresh the details for the selected property.

Review Transaction Details

The transaction panel displays a summary list of all charges and payments which have been posted is presented for audit purposes.

Click the transaction code link to view a Detailed Posting Journal for the selected transaction code.


Link is not enabled when All Properties checkbox is selected.

Posting Journal

  1. Enter search criteria.


    The cashier ID field defaults with your cashier ID.

  2. Click Search.
  3. The transactions matching the criteria are listed.
  4. Click the transaction code link for a posting to view and edit the posting details.

Shift Drop

The Shift Drop panel allows you to reconcile cash, checks, credit card and other payments posted in local currency during your shift. Behavior in this panel is dependent on the Blind Shift Drop cashier control.

When the Blind Shift Drop cashier control is not enabled :

  • Opening Balance Including Float Cash: Displays the amount of cash in your cash drawer when you opened your cashier. Opening Balance Cash reflects any starting amount of cash and any "float" over or under amount of cash from the last time you closed your cashier. Cashier Configuration defines the Starting Amount, if any, and whether Float Over/Short is considered.


    When more cash is paid out than is received, this is known as negative banking. Whether or not the Float Over/Short check box is selected when configuring the cashier. Cashier Configuration determines if a negative amount is displayed when the cashier logs back in. For example, a cashier logs in and pays out 200 and takes in 0. This means that the Expected Shift Drop is -200. If the Float Over/Short check box is selected for the cashier, the next time the cashier logs back in he has an Opening Balance Including Float Cash of -200. (If the cashier has a starting amount configured, the Opening Balance Including Float Cash would equal the starting amount plus the previous Expected Shift Drop.) If the Float Over/Short check box is not selected, then the Opening Balance Including Float Cash will display 0 because no float amount is carried over from the previous shift drop.

  • Opening Balance Check: Displays the amount of checks in your cash drawer when you opened your cashier. Opening Balance Check reflects any "float" over or under amount in checks from the last time you closed your cashier. Cashier Configuration determines whether Float Over/Short is considered.

  • Cash Received: Total amount of cash received in your drawer this shift, based on the record of cash payment transactions you posted.

  • Cash Paid Out: Total amount of cash paid out from your drawer this shift, based on the record of paid out transactions you posted.

  • Cash Received: Total amount of monies to be dropped to the General Cashier. This is the result of the calculation of Cash - Paid Out. You may change the figure shown in the Cash Actual Shift Drop field if this is incorrect. This is the amount of local currency cash you are dropping to the General Cashier.

  • Check (Cheque) Received: Total amount of checks accepted into your drawer this shift,  based on the record of check (cheque) payment transactions you posted. You may change the figure shown in the Check Actual Shift Drop field if this is incorrect. This is the amount of local currency checks you are dropping to the General Cashier.

  • Expected Shift Drop: The sum of Total Cash Drop + Checks Received. The amount of cash and checks you are dropping to the General Cashier. When the Positive Cashier Drop cashier control is enabled the amount must be a positive value.

  • Credit Card Expected Shift Drop: Total amount of all credit card settlements based on the record of transactions you posted.

  • Other Payments Expected Shift Drop: Total amount of all other payment based on the record of transactions you posted. Examples of other payments include Direct Bank Transfer, TA Commission, C/Card Commission.

  • Cash Actual Shift Drop: Enter the total amount of physical cash you have to drop (bank). When selecting another property the amount that is entered in this field will be saved before switching to another property . When the Negative Cash Shift Drop cashier control is enabled this amount can be a negative value.

  • Check Actual Shift Drop: Enter the total amount of checks you have to drop (bank). When selecting another property the amount that is entered in this field will be saved before switching to another property.


An alert message appears notifying you of the amount by which the total of Actual Checks and Actual Cash varies from Expected Shift Drop.

Foreign Currency

Displayed when the Foreign Currency Handling cashier control is enabled . Foreign currencies are not included in the reconciliation performed in the Shift Drop section of the Cashier Closure screen. The Foreign Currency section lets you account for the amounts of foreign cash received during this shift, based on the record of transactions that you posted. These could be payments received in foreign currency or as a result of foreign currency exchanges posted. Information is provided individually for each currency, as applicable.

  • Currency: Currency code for the type of currency to be reconciled. This field is populated from transactions recorded throughout the day by your cashier ID.

  • Opening: Amount of this currency in your cash drawer when it was opened.

  • From Today: Amount of this currency taken in today.

  • Shift Drop: Enter the amount of this currency you are dropping to the General Cashier. Enter the amount in the foreign currency, not the amount converted into your local currency. For example, if you have 20,000 Japanese yen, enter 20000 and not the equivalent amount in your local currency. This is the expected shift drop.

  • Difference: Any difference between the amount of cash in this currency taken in today and the amount you are dropping to the General Cashier (From Today - Shift Drop).

Foreign Check

Displayed when the Foreign Currency Handling cashier control is enabled . Foreign checks (usually, traveler's checks) are not included in the reconciliation performed for the Shift Drop section of the Cashier Closure screen. The Foreign Currency section lets you account for the amounts of foreign checks received during this shift, based on the record of transactions that you handled. Information is provided individually for each currency, as applicable.

  • Currency: Currency code for the type of checks to be reconciled. This field is populated from transactions recorded throughout the day by your Cashier ID.

  • Opening: Amount of checks in this currency in your cash drawer when it was opened.

  • From Today: Amount of checks in this currency taken in today.

  • Shift Drop: Enter the amount of checks in this currency you are dropping to the General Cashier. Enter the amount in the foreign currency, not the amount converted into your local currency. For example, if you have a check for 20,000 Japanese yen, enter 20000 and not the equivalent amount in your local currency. This is the expected shift drop.

  • Difference: Any difference between the amount of checks in this currency taken in today and the amount you are dropping to the General Cashier (From Today - Shift Drop).

When the Blind Cashier Drop cashier control is enabled, the following is displayed:
  • Credit Card Expected Shift Drop: Total amount of all credit card settlements based on the record of transactions you posted.

  • Other Payments Expected Shift Drop: Total amount of all other payment based on the record of transactions you posted. Examples of other payments include Direct Bank Transfer, TA Commission, C/Card Commission.

When the Enter Shift Drop Amounts cashier control is enabled, the following is displayed:
  1. Cash Actual Shift Drop: Enter the total amount of physical cash you have to drop (bank). When selecting another property the amount that is entered in this field will be saved before switching to another property.

  2. Check Actual Shift Drop: Enter the total amount of checks you have to drop (bank). When selecting another property the amount that is entered in this field will be saved before switching to another property.

Closing Cashier and Generating Reports

Once all transactions have been reconciled and you have entered Shift Drop totals for local currency payments and foreign currencies payment for each property you are ready to close your cashier.

  1. In MultiProperty operations select the All Properties checkbox to enable the Close Cashier button.

  2. Shift Drop Location and Bag Number: When the Shift Drop Location and Bag Numbers OPERA Control is active, you are required to select a shift drop location and enter a bag number - these details are included on Cashier Shift Bag Report Financial report, refer Financials Reports.
    • Shift Drop Location: Select a location from Configuring Shift Drop Locations.

    • Cash Bag Number: Enter a bag number value.

    • Others Bag Number: Enter a bag number value.

  3. Click Close Cashier to close your cashier.
  4. When prompted click Close Cashier to confirm and continue. You will see an Information notification confirming that your cashier has been closed.
  5. Next you will be prompted to generate the Cashier Closure reports.
  6. Click Process to generate the reports.
    • Cash Report: This report lists all cash transactions with your cashier ID, including cash received in payment (credit), cash paid out in check exchange (debit), cash paid out in currency exchange (debit).

    • Check Report: This report lists all checks received with your Cashier ID, including checks received in payment and checks received for check exchange Foreign Currency Report - this report lists all foreign currency received with your Cashier ID, including foreign monies received in the form of cash and traveler's checks for currency exchange, and foreign monies received in the form of cash and checks in payment (Applicable when the Foreign Currency Handling cashier control is enabled ).

    • Credit Cards Report: This report lists all credit card transactions posted by your Cashier ID.

    • AR Settlements Report: This report lists all settlements sent to AR with your Cashier ID.

    • Miscellaneous Payments Report: The Miscellaneous Payments Report lists all payment transactions handled by your Cashier ID for which the transaction code is designated as Other Payments.

    • Deposit Transfers Report: Deposit transfers are transactions that represent deposits transferred at check in. Whilst these transactions belong to the Other Payments transaction type, they are listed separately from the payment transactions included in the Miscellaneous Payments Report.

    • Cashier Closure Report : The Cashier Closure Report is a summary of the cashiering activity for your Cashier ID during the shift just ending. The report has these main sections:
      • The report provides the amounts (in local and foreign currency) and number of postings for each of the following:
        • Cash Received.

        • Checks Received.

        • Total Cash and Checks Received.

      • Cash Drop Amount, Check Drop Amount, and Total Drop Amount.

      • Difference between Cash Drop Amount and Cash Received, Check Drop Amount and Checks Received, and Total Drop Amount and Total Cash and Checks Received.

      • Credit Card transactions by type and Total Value of Credit Card transactions.

      • Accounts Receivable transactions Total Value.

      • Other Payments (excluding deposit transfers) by type and Total Value of Other Payments.

      • Deposit Transfers.