Accumulated Business Events

Accumulated Business Events allows you to search and view the Business Events generated for Batch Business Event Interfaces.

Search Criteria

  • Interface: Select the Interface to view the business events generated for the interface. Mandatory selection.

  • Property: Select the properties to view the business events generated for the interface and Property combination. Mandatory selection.

  • Status: Select an appropriate batch state to search for (NEW or READY).

  • Module: Select the Modules to filter from the list. Optional.

  • Created From: Select the state date of the business events. Optional.

  • Created To: Select the end date of the business events. Optional.

  • Primary Key: Enter a Primary Key identifier to search for the specific event.

  • Search: Apply search action to fetch the events based on the search criteria and results are displayed in the search result area.

Search Result

  • Interface ID: Interface ID associated with the business event.

  • Property: Property associated with the business event.

  • State: State of the business event.

  • Module: Module associated with the business event.

  • Primary Key: Primary Key identifier assigned to the business event. its a combination of Property, date and event id.

  • Create Date: Date and time of the business event generated.

  • Refresh: Applies a fresh search action to fetch the latest business events to display in the search result area.

Viewing Accumulated Business Events

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange menu, select Message Status, then select Accumulated Business Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.