
Prerequisites for Relationships

You can set up standard affiliations between profile types that can then be selected, much like templates, when setting up relationships for profiles. When setting up relationships for a specific profile, only the relationship types you configure which involve that profile type are available for selection. A common relationship would be one that exists between a parent company (profile type company) and a subsidiary company (profile type company). Another common relationship is employer (profile type company) and an employee (profile type guest or contact).


OPERA Cloud is pre-configured with master-sub relationship types for Company, Travel Agent, and Source profile types.
  • C-Master and C-Sub for Company Profile Type

  • T-Master and T-Sub for Travel Agent Profile Type

  • S-Master and S-Sub for Source Profile Type

Relationships can be used to facilitate rate sharing and for more meaningful financial and statistical reporting. For example, you might want to share negotiated rates created for a parent company with all the subsidiaries of the company. Or you might want to report on total revenues associated with all subsidiaries of a company rather than on each subsidiary separately. Relationships enable you to do these things.

When setting up relationship types, you must define both sides of the relationship — the "from" side and the "to" side. It is sometimes helpful to think in terms of statements such as "Company X (a company profile) is the employer of Guest Y (an individual profile)." The left component of this relationship (company) is the From side. The right component (individual) is the To side. Once this relationship type has been configured, when you open the profile for “GUEST” (an individual type profile) and select the Relationships details link, you are able to set up an employee/employer relationship for GUEST with a company you choose from the Company profiles.

It is important to keep in mind that relationship configuration is designed to not accept duplicate values between From Relationship Type and To Relationship Type and the From Description and To Description. For example, when COMPANY has been used once in either From Relationship Type or To Relationship Type, it cannot be used again for either of these two fields for any new relationship. The same applies to the From Description and To Description.