Advance Check In Conditions and Assumptions

For Reservations Prior to being Indentified as Advance Checked In

  • The reservation must be an Arrival (Due In) reservation for the current business date.

  • The reservation must have a valid payment method.

  • The reservation can be identified for Advance Check In with or without a room assigned:

    • If the reservation has a room assigned it must be a physical room. Pseudo room reservations cannot be identified for Advance Check In.

    • If you want the Advance Checked In reservation to be Auto Checked In upon room status match, a room must be assigned to the reservation. A room can be assigned to the reservation prior to or modified after being identified for Advance Check In.

  • Walk In reservations, Pre Registered reservations, and reservations that are in queue can be identified for Advance Check In.

For Reservations that are Indicated as Advance Checked In

  • The reservation is marked Advance Checked In.

  • The Expected Time of Arrival (ETA) for the reservation is updated with the Advance Checked In time.

  • The arrival date is changed to read only and cannot be modified.

  • When Advance Checked In, deposits on the reservation are posted on the folio.

  • Advance Checked In reservations cannot be reversed if financial transactions exist on the folio. Reservations with deposits are eligible to be reversed.

  • Charges that are incurred by the guest (such as through a POS system) post to the reservation folio. In-room charges (such as mini bar or PBX) are not allowed.

  • The Night Audit process cannot complete if any Advanced Checked In reservations have not been checked in.

  • Advance Checked In reservations cannot be moved to another property.

  • Advance Checked In reservations cannot be changed to No Show.

  • Advance Checked In reservations cannot be canceled.

For Auto Check In of Advance Checked In Reservations

  • The reservation must be in Advance Checked In state.

  • The Advance Checked In reservation has a room assigned.

  • The Advance Checked In reservation’s assigned room’s occupancy status is Vacant.

  • When the assigned room’s housekeeping status is updated to match a room housekeeping status defined in the Room Status for Auto Check In of Advance Checked In Reservations setting, the Advance Checked In reservation is automatically checked in to the property.

  • The Schedule Check Out / Auto Check In processor in Toolbox – Utilities – Processors must be running.

For All Reservations that Failed Mass Advance Check In

  • The reservation remains in arrival (Due In) status but is not identified as Advance Checked in.

  • The reservation’s arrival time (ETA) remains unchanged.

  • The reservation’s Expected Time of Return (ETR) remains unchanged.