EGS (Eruca Global Services) Commission Export

On selecting EGS for the EFT Export Format OPERA Control, additional OPERA Control settings are enabled to provide data to include in the EFT export.

OPERA Control Description

File Name Format

File Name Format:





Brand/Destination ID

Brand Code/Destination ID, 2 character code.

Property ID

Property ID, maximum 10 characters, Provided by HCC if property has no code.

Property Name

Name of the property/chain.

Country of Taxing Authority

Select the country code of the property.

Tax Type

Select the tax type required.


Clearinghouse company name.


Address of the clearinghouse.


Telephone number of the clearinghouse.


Fax number of the clearinghouse.

Delivery Method

Set the delivery method to be used for EFT Export:
  • SFTP

  • SFTP Legacy


  • File System (download)

Export File Data Definition

BH – Batch Header

The EGS data export file consists of four record types as described below. Each field within the records is separated by the pipe symbol. Although a field is mandated by a certain number of characters, the exact length of the data can be less than the column, but not more. In all cases, the termination of the field is again with the existence of the pipe symbol (|). For a numeric value, it is not necessary to pad either left or right with zeros. Decimal placement is based on the property data.

EGS Field Name Length Description

Record ID

2 Char


Property ID

10 Char

Property ID.

Destination ID

3 Char

Brand/Destination ID.

Batch ID

16 Char

Unique batch identification number (revolving 3 digit number).

Batch Creation Date

8 Char

YYYYMMDD format.

File Creation Time

4 Char

HHMM format (military time).

Batch Description


EGS Batch: BOSSO102.hlk (5 digit property code + 3 digit revolving batch number.

Batch ID will be taken plus the .HLK as the file extension.

PM - Property Maintenance

EGS Field Name Length Description

Record ID

2 Char


Brand Code

2 Char

Brand/Destination ID.

Chain Property ID

10 Char

Property ID.

Action Code

1 Char


Property Name

30 Char

Name of the Property as shown in Property Data.

Address Line 1

25 Char

Properties Street Address.

Address Line 2

25 Char



15 Char

Properties City Address.

State/Province Code

3 Char

Properties State Address.

Country Code

2 Char

Properties Country Address.

Postal Code

15 Char

Properties Postal/Zip Code.

Phone Number

20 Char

Properties Telephone Number.

Property ID - Sabre

10 Char


Property ID Covia

10 Char


Property ID System One

10 Char


Property ID Pars

10 Char


Property ID Datas II

10 Char


Property ID JAL

10 Char


Property ID Sita/Sahara

10 Char


Property ID Abacus

10 Char


Property ID Gemini

10 Char


Property ID Galileo

10 Char


Property ID AAA

10 Char


RC - Report Commission (Guest Record)

Reported commission records account for reservation stays, cancellations, and no-shows. Within this format, Gross is referenced as Net, and Net is referenced as Gross. For each commissionable guest, one RC record is created.

EGS Field Name Length Description.

Record ID

2 Char


Action Code

1 Char


Guest Stay Number

12 Char

Unique identifier for guest stay (reported commission) number.

(5 digits property ID + last 7 digits of reservation name ID).

Brand Code

2 Char

Brand/Destination ID.

Booking Source Code

3 Char


Property ID

10 Char

Property ID.

PNR Number

6 Char


Confirmation Number

12 Char

Confirmation Number.

Cancellation Number

12 Char

If reservation is of a canceled status CXL; otherwise Blank.

Corporate ID Number

12 Char

If company profile attached uses the CORPID/Member number. If no CORPID exists, use company name ID. If no company is attached, then Blank.


Travel Agency Number

8 Char

IATA number. If Blank, then use internal number.

Guest Last Name

30 Char

Guest Last Name.

Guest First name

20 Char

Guest First Name.

Status Code

2 Char

1 = Fully commissionable 4 = Cancellation, 5 = No show.

Reason Code

6 Char


Arrival Date

8 Char

YYYYMMDD format.

Departure Date

8 Char

YYYYMMDD format.

Number of Nights

3 Digits


Number of Rooms

3 Digits


Commissionable Revenue

15 Digits

Revenue that is commissionable.

Net Commission Due

15 Digits

Net commission (Gross Commission - Tax Amount).

Adjustment Amount

15 Digits


Net Commission Due

15 Digits

Gross Commission (Net Commission + Tax Amount).

Currency Code

3 Char

Currency Code of Bank Account.


250 Char


Number of Tax Records

3 Digits

1 or 0 based on where tax has been calculated ( CALC VAT ON COMMISSIONS OPERA Control).

Tax Amount

15 Digits

The calculated tax amount.

Agency Name

30 Char

Travel agent name attached to the reservation.

Agency Address 1

25 Char

Travel agent address 1 attached to the reservation.

Agency Address 2

25 Char

Travel agent address 2 attached to the reservation.

Agency City

15 Char

Travel agent city attached to the reservation.

Agency State/Province

3 Char

Required if country code = US or CA.

Agency Country Code

2 Char

Travel agent country code.

Agency Postal Code

15 Char

Travel agent postal code.

Agency Phone Number

20 Char

Travel agent telephone number.

BT - Batch Trailer

The Batch Trailer record is mandatory for all batch transfers. This record must be the last record in the file.


The total values are not calculated, but are added up from the RC (Reported Commission) included with the file.
EGS Field Name Length Description

Record ID

2 Char


Total RC Records

8 Digits

Total number of RC records in this batch.

Total PM Records

8 Digits

Total number of PM records in this batch.

Total Commissionable Revenue

15 Digits

Total Commissionable revenue from which the commission is calculated.

Total Gross Commission

15 Digits

Total Net commission (Gross commission Tax Amount).

Total Adjustment Amount

15 Digits


Total Tax Amount

15 Digits

Tax calculated on Net Commissions.

Total Net Commission Due Amount

15 Digits

Total Gross Commission (Net Commission + Tax Amount).

Currency Code

3 Char

Use the 3 digit currency code defined in the EFT setup.