Internal Charge Number Conditions/Assumptions

  • When the Create Internal Charge NumberOPERA Control is active, all new reservations that are assigned a confirmation number have an internal charge number created.

  • Assuming the Pre Stay Charges function is active in the property, internal charge numbers can be used for posting before the reservation is checked in.

  • Reservations must be active (that is, the status must be Advanced Checked In or Checked In) when a third-party inquiry is made, or otherwise fit any Pre and Post Stay Charging rules. A room does not need to be assigned for a reservation to be considered active.

  • Any point of sale systems such as restaurants, gift shops, and theme parks must be integrated and configured to work with OPERA Cloud

  • OPERA Cloud posts charges to folio window 1, including the internal charge number and any additional data provided by the third-party POS system in the Reference field of the posting. This is dependent on the POS system passing this data in specific elements in the posting message.

  • If credit limit checking is configured for a third-party system, the credit is validated before a posting is allowed. If there is not enough available credit, the posting fails.

  • If the NoPost check is configured for a third-party system and the reservation has the No Post check box active, the posting fails.

  • Assuming the Post Stay Charges OPERA Control is active, charge numbers can be used after the reservation has been checked out, up until the next day following the departure date of the reservation.

  • OPERA Cloud accepts any charge number posting from the third-party system and posts it to the folio of the reservation that is mapped to that charge card number, as long as the reservation is valid with the posting rules configured.

  • An external system must handle Hotel Charge ID replacement or deactivation.

  • Searches for internal charge number are only available from the Posting Journal, not from the reservation search, and is dependent on this information being provided by third-party systems.

  • Only the internal charge number is created by the OPERA Cloud system. If a physical card is generated and provided to the guest, this is created in an external system that interfaces with OPERA Cloud to fetch the internal charge number of the reservation. Depending on the external system, each guest can have an individual charge number or physical card that is mapped back to the reservation’s internal charge number.