Catering Summary Report (rep_catering_summary.rep with rep_catering_summary.fmx)

The Catering Summary report is a production report that calculates the catering revenue changes for all business blocks that had events created on a specified status, events that had their status changed to a specified status, or events that were on the specified status before the production period, but had revenue changes during the production period. The report also includes a summary and grand total amounts for the blocks.

The figures are calculated and appear on a booking-by-booking basis. If a business block has events of different statuses that all fall into the production criteria, the business block name is listed underneath all the statuses. The report can be grouped either by room owner or by catering owner.

This report provides the option to select a credit status. This means that events can be accounted for in the selected credit status even if they moved on to another follow-on status in the same production period. For example, if an event becomes both Definite and Actual in the selected production period, if you select Definite as the credit status, the event will appear under the status section for both Definite and Actual rather than just under Actual, which would be the last status. This helps greatly in calculating Sales Manager incentives that are usually based on a defined credit status.


You must be granted the Event Print task in the selected property to run the Catering Summary report. Also, the available property in this report is further limited by the properties to which you have the appropriate access granted.

Selection Criteria

Property: Enter or select the property. You can select multiple properties from a hub location

Event Date (Event Start/Event End): The event date range that should be covered in this report.

Production Date (Start/End): Defines the date range for reporting event changes. Each change made to an event status or to catering revenue is recorded in a specific event production change log. The Production Date Range filter scans the entries in the production change log to search for any event changes that fall under the criteria selected on the filter form. The date range filter is valid only for dates in the past, because there cannot be any entries in the event change log after the current business date. To illustrate the above, an event that gets created on status TEN in April 2021 with Event Date in October 2021 can turn to status DEF in June 2021. In this scenario, there would be two entries in the change log for this event, one for the creation of the event on status TEN in production period April 2021 and one for the status change to DEF in June 2021. And if the report is filtered for production dates April 01, 2021 — June 30, 2021, the business block would be reported once under TEN and once under DEF.


The production period is mandatory for this report.

Event Status: The statuses selected in this filter query for events in that status at the end of the selected production period. Make sure that the Credit Status filter and the Event Status filter do not contradict each other. For example, if the selected credit status is DEF and the Event Statuses selected are INQ and TEN, nothing will be recorded under the credit status section, if DEF is a status that follows INQ or TEN in the status flow.

However, if the selected Event Statuses are DEF, CAN, ACT and the selected credit status is DEF, this report will correctly record those events in the credit status section that are either still on status DEF at the end of the production period or that moved through the status DEF into either status CAN or ACT in the same production period.

Credit Status: Defines the status code that an event should be recorded on in any case, irrespective of whether the event is still on that status at the end of the production period or has moved on.

For example, an event with 200.00 USD Food Revenue turns DEF in April 2021. In May 2021, 100.00 USD Food Revenue is added to the booking. Still, in May 2021 (that is, some days after the revenue is added), the event turns ACT. If no credit status is selected, the event is on this report only included in the section for status ACTUAL with a total of 300.00 USD Food Revenue (the original 200.00 USD plus the 100.00 USD added in May). If the credit status is defined as DEF, the event will appear twice on this report if it is ordered for production period May 2021. Once under the status section for DEF with 100.00 USD Food Revenue change (because 100.00 USD was added while the event was still on the credit status) and once on the section for ACT with 300.00 USD. If the event had turned DEF in May 2021 instead of in April 2021, it would again appear twice if the credit status was DEF: once as DEF with 300.00 USD, and once as ACT, also with 300.00 USD.

Net Total: Allows for the totals of two statuses to be either summed or subtracted from one another by selecting the (+/-) from the list of values. For example, if statuses, INQ, TEN, DEF, LOS and CAN were selected to be reported on and DEF is credit status (most typical scenario), it would make sense to define the net total as DEF minus CAN. This total will be reported by the selected Group By with a Grand Total at the end.

Revenue Types 1-4: Allows the selection of up to four catering revenue types or combinations of revenue types for which changes should be reported. Descriptions of the selected revenue types will appear in the report footer.

Group By (Catering Manager/Sales Manager): As described above, the report can be grouped on catering manager or sales manager. Sub-total and net totals are calculated per group.

Owner: Allows selection of specific manager initials.

Print Booking Details: If selected, each business block that falls within the selected parameters will print separately onto the report with a sub-total per status and net total per selected group. If not selected, only the summary per status and the net total will print within each group without any booking details.

Print Current Totals: When selected, prints the current on-the-books figures for each booking with no filter for the production date range. This option is only available when Print Booking Details is selected.

Print Grand Total: When selected, prints the Grand Total of all the owners, including summed attendees, per person revenue calculated as the Grand Total Attendees, and the summed number of blocks.

New Statuses Only: When selected, only those business blocks will be reported that have had an event status change occurring in the selected production period. Business Blocks with events that only underwent revenue changes will be omitted. This information appears in the Net Status row.

Blocks (All/Catering Only/Rooms with Catering): Use this option to filter results for business blocks that have been flagged as Catering Only, business blocks that have not been flagged as Catering Only, or All business blocks.

Print Exclude from Forecast Event - Both/Yes/No: Select this option to either include or exclude certain events. If you select Both, all qualifying events will print. When Yes is selected, only events that have had the Exclude from Forecast Reports flag selected will print (the Exclude from Forecast Reports flag is accessible on the Events Screen Details tab). When No, is selected only events that have not been marked as Exclude from Forecast Reports will print.

Report Data

The report will print one record for each business block that fits the filter criteria provided that the Print Booking Details check box is selected. The business block must have at least one event that was created or changed in the production period. If the business block has several events of different event statuses, the business block record will print in each appropriate status section, once with the total production per event status. The report is grouped primarily on the group defined in filter options. Within each main group, business blocks are then automatically grouped by event status.


The selected sort group header is printed above each section (either room(s) owner name and initials or catering owner name and initials). Data printed for each business block can include these columns:

  • Account Name.

  • Business Block Name.

  • Business Block ID.

  • Att. (Attendees): The sum of the attendees of the events that fall within the filters specified when generating the report. If the event is in an Actual Status, this figure represents the actual attendees. If the Event is not in an Actual Status, the figure represents the guaranteed attendees or else the expected. If forecasting revenue (when the Use Forecast Value Only application parameter is set to Y), the expected attendees are calculated.

  • Status: The Status column will populate with the appropriate event status and is appended with NEW if the status change happened during the requested production period.

  • Chg. Date: The Change Date represents the most recent date an event changed to that status.

  • Rooms Owner Code.

  • Catering Owner Code.

  • Begin Date/End Date: Business Block Arrival and Departure Dates.

  • Business Block Source.

  • Rev Types 1-4: For each revenue type(s) selected, the top row of revenue information is the total revenue for that type as of the end of the requested production date range.

  • Change: The bottom row of revenue information is the change in revenue for the requested production date range.

  • TOTAL: Sum of each of the revenue types selected.


Depending on the filter criteria, the following rows will appear.

  • Event Status.

  • Block Name.

  • Current Block Total: The total appears if the Print Current Total check box is selected. The information in this row is calculated based on figures for that business block at the time the report is printed. Information includes: Attendees from the Business Block Catering Tab; Per Person is the total revenue calculated as the current Business Block Total/Attendees; current totals for Revenue Type 1-4 based on the revenue types selected in the Catering Production parameters; and current total revenue.

  • (Status) Change Summary: Summary of each defined event status. Displays information such as the Attendees calculated as the total per status of new attendees per block; the total number of people summed from the attendees on each block from the events contributing to the revenue; Per Person calculated as the Status Summary Block Total /Status Summary Block Attendees; number of blocks calculated as the total number of business blocks for that status.

  • (Owner Code) Net Status: Summary for each owner considering the Net Status values selected when ordering the report. Displays information such as Attendees summed based on net status calculation; Per Person calculated as the Net Status Total/Grand Total Attendees; number of blocks summed based on net status.

Grand Total: The total appears if the Print Grand Total check box is selected. Includes the following: Grand total of the (Owner) Net Status rows including attendees summed based on Grand Total calculation; Per Person calculated as the Grand Total Total/Grand Total Attendees; Number of blocks summed based on Grand Total calculation.


Accounts and contacts use the following logic when printing the Catering Summary report. If a Company profile is attached to the business block, then the Company profile will print. If no Company profile is attached, but an Agent profile is present, then the Agent profile will print. If no Company and no Agent profiles are attached, but a Source profile is present, then the Source profile will print.

If a business block is in a return-to-inventory status, the date the business block was lost or canceled will print as well as the reason for the cancellation. For each business block, two rows of figures are recorded. The upper row shows the total catering revenue by revenue type for the business block as of the end of the production period, including the changes made to the events in the production period. The second row only represents the catering revenue changes during the production period.

If the event status was changed in the production period, the total revenue figures for the event are added as a change. A status change is always considered a rollover of all existing revenues into the new status and, therefore, all revenue on the books at the end of the production period is considered changes within the production period.

If a credit status is defined in the filter form, events that went through the credit status and into a follow-on status of the credit status (or had changes done to them while on the credit status in the production period and then turned into a follow-on status still in the same production period) will be reported twice on this report, once under the credit status and once under the last status of the event.

It is possible for a business block to appear more than twice if its events are in several different statuses at the end of the production period.

Forecast figures are calculated as event production for the Catering Summary report if no expected, guaranteed, or actual figures exist for a specific revenue type. For example, if an event had forecasted revenue for 500.00 USD Room Rental, 1000.00 USD for Food, and 100.00 USD for Decoration, but only the function space is booked at a rate of 450.00 USD when the event becomes DEF, the revenue recorded in this report as production on the status change will still be 450.00 USD Rental, 1000.00 USD Food, and 400.00 USD Decoration.