Yearly Forecast Report (stat_forecastyearly)

The Yearly Forecast Report (stat_forecastyearly) displays all reserved rooms in a summary breakdown of either deduct or non-deduct.  The reservation type determines whether the room reserved has a status of deduct or non-deduct.  The figure represents both reservations and rooms held against a block.

This first page of the yearly forecast shows a matrix of the Deduct and Non Deduct rooms by day and month with a totals section showing total sum, Potential, Ind. D, Ind. ND, Blk. D, Blk. ND, Ttl. D + ND, %D, and %D+ND.

The second page report image shows a line graph comparison of the Non Deduct Rooms, Deduct Rooms, Total Deduct + Non Deduct Rooms, and Potential Rooms.