Viewing Accounts Receivable Aging

AR Account Aging provides a summary of the invoice aging according to the aging levels setup in OPERA Controls. The aging "clock" is determined by the Date for Aging OPERA Control. Choices include the date the invoice is transferred to AR from Front Office (ART); the date the invoice is closed in AR (INC); the reservation check out date (COD); or the date when the interim bill or advance bill is generated and settled to an AR Account (ING).

Aging information appears in graph and table formats:
  • The graph generates a color-coded view of net balances owed in each property.

  • The table breaks down the balances owed by aging period (Bucket).

Viewing AR Account Aging

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Account Receivables, and then select Manage Account Receivables.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select the AR Account in search result, then click I Want To. . . and select Aging.

    1. Click View Summary to view summary (Total Amount).

    2. Click vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select View Details to toggle to display details (Open Balance and Credits).