Budget Forecast Entry

Use Budget Forecast to setup budgets per defined period. For Oracle Hospitality OPERA Cloud Service, Sales and Event Management subscribers, catering (event) budget forecast can be included on Room and Catering Revenue Pace (BI)(rep_room_cat_rev_pace_bi), Group Room Pace(BI)(rep_group_rooms_pace_bi), and Catering Progress (BI)(rep_catering_progress_bi) reports.

Budget forecast data can also be referenced in Reporting and Analytics.

Loading Market Budget Forecast

The Market Code selection allows you to choose between Revenue and Room Nights.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial then select Budget Forecast.

  2. Select the Market tab.

  3. Click  Load Budget Info.

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Market Code: Select a market from the list.

    3. Year: Select a year from the list.

    4. Budget Type

      1. Budget: Select to enter budget.

      2. Forecast: Select to enter forecast.

    5. Budget Item

      1. Revenue: Select to enter revenue budget figures.

      2. Room Nights: Select to enter room night budget figures.

    6. Distribute

      1. Evenly: Select the distribute the total evenly.

      2. By Month: Select to distribute the total by month.

      3. By Budget Code: Select to distribute the total by budget code.

    7. Total: Enter a total amount.

    8. Click Load.

Loading Rate Budget Forecast

The Rate Code selection allows you to choose between Revenue and Room Nights.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial then select Budget Forecast.

  2. Select the Rate tab.

  3. Click Load Budget Info.

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Rate Code: Select a rate code from the list.

    3. Year: Select a year from the list.

    4. Budget Type

      1. Budget: Select to enter budget.

      2. Forecast: Select to enter forecast.

    5. Budget Item

      1. Revenue: Select to enter revenue budget figures.

      2. Room Nights: Select to enter room night budget figures.

    6. Distribute

      1. Evenly: Select the distribute the total evenly.

      2. By Month: Select to distribute the total by month.

      3. By Budget Code: Select to distribute the total by budget code.

    7. Total: Enter a total amount.

    8. Click Load.

Loading Custom Code Budget Forecast

The Custom Code selection automatically switches to Value and eliminates the Room Nights and Revenue options.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial then select Budget Forecast.

  2. Select the Custom tab.

  3. Click Load Budget Info.

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Custom Code: Select a custom code from the list.

    3. Year: Select a year from the list.

    4. Budget Type

      1. Budget: Select to enter budget.

      2. Forecast: Select to enter forecast.

    5. Budget Item

      1. Value: Select to enter by value.

    6. Distribute

      1. Evenly: Select the distribute the total evenly.

      2. By Month: Select to distribute the total by month.

      3. By Budget Code: Select to distribute the total by budget code.

    7. Total: Enter a total amount.

    8. Click Load.

Loading Transaction Code Budget Forecast

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial then select Budget Forecast.

  2. Select the Transaction tab.

  3. Click Load Budget Info.

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Transaction Code: Select a transaction code from the list.

    3. Year: Select a year from the list.

    4. Budget Type
      1. Budget: Select to enter budget.

      2. Forecast: Select to enter forecast.

    5. Budget Item

      1. Value: Select to enter by value.

    6. Distribute

      1. Evenly: Select the distribute the total evenly.

      2. By Month: Select to distribute the total by month.

      3. By Budget Code: Select to distribute the total by budget code.

    7. Total: Enter a total amount.

    8. Click Load.

Loading Catering (Event) Budget Forecast

This data is included on the reports: Room and Catering Revenue Pace (BI)(rep_room_cat_rev_pace_bi), Group Room Pace (BI)(rep_group_rooms_pace_bi), and Catering Progress (BI)(rep_catering_progress_bi).

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial then select Budget Forecast.

  2. Select the Catering tab.

  3. Click Load Budget Info.

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Year: Select a year from the list.

    3. Catering: Select checkbox to enter catering budget, allows for splitting of the catering budget by Catering Only Y/N to then be compared with the business blocks Catering Only check box.

    4. Budget Type: Select a value from the list.

      1. Event Type - When the Revenue option button is selected, you are able to enter catering revenue and covers budget by Event Type + Revenue Type. When Event Type is selected, the Codes button will list all of the possible Event Type + Revenue Type combinations to be selected for budgeting.

      2. Group Market Segment - When the Revenue option button is selected, you are able to enter catering revenue and covers budget by Market Segment + Revenue Type. When Group Market Segment is selected, the Codes button will list all of the possible Market Segment + Revenue Type combinations to be selected for budgeting.

      3. Meal Type - When the Revenue option button is selected, you are able to enter catering revenue and covers budget by Meal Type. When Meal Type is selected, the Codes button will list all of the possible Meal Type + Revenue Type combinations to be selected for budgeting. This option is only available when the application parameter Catering > Catering Meal Types is set to Y.

      4. Revenue Group - When the Revenue option button is selected, you are able to enter catering revenue and covers budget by Revenue Type. When Revenue Type is selected, the Codes button will list all of the active Revenue Types to be selected for budgeting.

    5. Revenue Type: Select a revenue type from the list.

    6. Budget Type

      1. Budget: Select to enter budget.

      2. Forecast: Select to enter forecast.

    7. Budget Item

      1. Revenue: Select to enter revenue budget figures for the option selected in the Budget Type list.

      2. Covers: Select to enter covers budget figures for the option selected in the Budget Type list.

    8. Distribute

      1. Evenly: Select the distribute the total evenly.

      2. By Month: Select to distribute the total by month

      3. By Budget Code: Select to distribute the total by budget code.

    9. Total: Enter a total amount.

    10. Click Load.

Viewing Budget Forecast

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial then select Budget Forecast.

  2. Select the Market, Rate, Custom,Transaction or Catering tab.

  3. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

Editing Budget Forecast

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial then select Budget Forecast.

  2. Select the Market, Rate, Custom, Transaction or Catering tab.

  3. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  4. Click Edit Budget Info.

  5. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  6. Update the details.

  7. Click Save.