Generating Batch Folios

Use Batch Folios to generate folios for multiple reservation accounts without having to access Billing for each reservation. When the Multi Language OPERA Control is active, folios are generated in the language selected in the primary linked profile. When the Generate Zero Bill OPERA Control is active, you can generate a folio for reservation sub-accounts (windows) with a zero balance.


In order to deliver the folios through email, ensure the reservation has opted-in to receive email folios. See Managing Reservation Payment Instructions .
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, and then select Batch Folios

  2. In the Folio Options panel select the following:
    1. Property: Select or confirm the property.

    2. Batch Folio Option: Select the folio option required.
      1. Guests Departing Tomorrow: Select to generate folios for reservations departing tomorrow.

      2. Guest Checked Out Today: Select to generate folios for reservation departed today.

      3. All Guests: Select to generate folios for all in-house reservations.

      4. Guests Departing Today: Select to generate folios for all reservations departing today.

      5. Guest Checked Out Yesterday: Select the generate folios for reservations departed yesterday.

      6. Periodic Folios: Useful for long-term reservations, this option allows you to print information folios weekly, monthly, or for user-defined periods of time.

        1. Select whether you want to print weekly, monthly, or other periodic folios.

          1. Weekly Folio: Prints folios for in house guests whose last periodic folio was printed 7 or more days ago, or who have never had a periodic folio printed.

          2. Monthly Folio: Prints folios for in house guests whose last periodic folio was printed 28 or more days ago, or who have never had a periodic folio printed.

          3. Folio for: You specify a period of days to be covered. A folio will be printed for guests whose last periodic folio was printed the specified number of days (or more) ago, or who have never had a periodic folio printed.

      7. Auto-folio Settlement: For more information, see Auto Folio Settlement.

    3. Click Next.

  3. In the Reservation Selection panel search and select the reservations:
    1. Enter any search criteria to refine the reservation search, click Search.

    2. From your search results, select the reservations to include in the batch folio process; click the selection column header to select all reservations listed in result.

    3. Sort By: Select a sort option from the list.

    4. Click Select.

  4. In the Billing Options panel specify the following:
    1. Folio Scope

      1. Information Bill: Generates an information folio with current charges.

      2. Advance Bill: Generates a folio with expected accommodation and fixed charges posted in advance. For more information, see Settling a Reservation Account Balance.

    2. Billing Windows

      1. All Windows: Folios for all Billing Windows in the reservations.

      2. Only Guest Windows: Select to generate folios only for Billing windows linked to the guest profile (exclude Billing Windows linked to Company or Agent).

    3. Payment Methods

      1. All Payment Methods: Select this option to generate folios for reservations with any payment method

      2. Credit Cards: Select this option to generate folios for reservations using a credit card payment method

      3. Simulate Zero Balance: Select to generate a folio with a credit shown based on the method of payment for a particular billing window. This allows you to provide folios to the guest, with a payment line, showing a zero balance due, without posting an actual payment or checking out the reservation.

  5. On the Batch Report Destination page:

    1. Make changes to the folio destinations if needed. You can either change the destination for each folio individually or change it for all folios. Confirm your selections before generating the batch folios.

    2. Click Process to print, email or preview the batch report.