Configuring Fiscal Partners

Select the fiscal partner(s) for which the universal payload should be generated. A maximum of three fiscal partners can be configured, each with a priority.

Adding Fiscal Partners

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financials, select Fiscal Management, and then select Fiscal Partners.

  2. Click New and complete the following:

    1. Property: Enter or select the property.

    2. Partner: Select a fiscal partner from the list.

    3. Priority: Enter or select a priority for the partner.

    4. Fiscal Folio Payment Methods: Select one or more payment methods from the list.

      • When the field is blank, and you generate a fiscal folio, the universal payload generates regardless of which Payment Methods were posted to the window.

      • When the field is populated, and you generate a fiscal folio, the universal payload generates only when one of the configured Payment Methods was posted to the window.

    5. Electronic / Fiscal Folio Profile Handling: Select a value from the list.

      • A – When you generate a fiscal folio, the universal payload generates regardless of payee profile configuration.

      • N – When you generate a fiscal folio, the universal payload generates based on the configuration of the Electronic/Fiscal Folio value on the payee profile.

        • If Electronic/Fiscal Folio is blank on the payee profile, then the universal payload does not generate.

        • If Electronic/Fiscal Folio is set to No on the payee profile, then the universal payload does not generate.

        • If Electronic/Fiscal Folio is set to Yes on the payee profile, then the universal payload generates.

      • Y – When you generate a fiscal folio, the universal payload generates based on the configuration of the Electronic/Fiscal Folio value on the payee profile.

        • If Electronic/Fiscal Folio is blank on the payee profile, then the universal payload generates.

        • If Electronic/Fiscal Folio is set to No on the payee profile, then the universal payload does not generate.

        • If Electronic/Fiscal Folio is set to Yes on the payee profile, then the universal payload generates.

    6. Fiscal Payloads: Select fiscal payloads from the list.

      1. Check Out: When selected, the universal payload generates when the reservation changes to Checked Out status. The universal payload includes consolidated transaction totals by Transaction Code from all folios, across all folio windows of the reservation.

      2. Folio Generation: When selected, the universal payload generates when you perform a folio settlement. The universal payload includes unsettled transactions from the folio window where the settlement is performed.

      3. Post Payment: When selected, the universal payload generates when you perform a payment without a folio settlement. The universal payload includes the payment transaction.


        When a Fiscal Partner is configured with Post Payment, the field for Fiscal Payment Methods is available.
    7. Fiscal Payment Methods: Select one or more payment methods from the list.

      • When the field is blank, and you make a payment, the universal payload generates regardless of which Payment Method was posted.

      • When the field is populated, and you make a payment, the universal payload generates only when one of the configured Payment Methods was posted.

    8. Send Folio after Fiscal Payload: Select check box to allow the Fiscal Partner to create a copy of folio. The watermark displays on the recreated folio when the Enable Watermark for Reports OPERA Control is on.

  3. Click Save or click Save and Continue to add another.


When a new Fiscal Partner is saved, the corresponding Fiscal Folio Parameters automatically populate from the template for that Fiscal Partner. These can be seen on the Fiscal Folio Parameters screen.

Editing Fiscal Partners

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financials, select Fiscal Management, and then select Fiscal Partners.

  2. Enter the search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the fiscal partner, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and then select Edit.

  4. Update the details.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Fiscal Partners

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financials, select Fiscal Management, and then select Fiscal Partners.

  2. Enter the search criteria, and click Search.

  3. Select the fiscal partner, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and then select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.


    When you select to delete a Fiscal Partner, OPERA Cloud determines if any Fiscal Folio Parameters or Fiscal Service Terminals exist for the Fiscal Partner. If they exist, this message appears: “Partner xxxxxxxx cannot be deleted, because it is configured with Fiscal Folio Parameters and Fiscal Terminals records. The configured records must be deleted before the Partner.”