Charging Purchases Using Post It

Post it provides a way to charge for the consumption of items such as mini-bar item, day spa treatments, gift shop items, and so on, with features similar to a point of sale. Items have a default Price which can be edited when the item is added to a cart. The balance of the cart is then settled to a room reservation account or by cash or credit card.

When the Pre Stay Charges OPERA Control active, Post It does not support room charge to future reservations enabled with pre-stay charging. For more information, see Managing Reservation Payment Instructions

When the Check In Prepay Rules OPERA Control is set to Auto Advanced Bill Posting, you cannot settle charges by room charge to a reservation account.

When the Transaction Discount OPERA Control is active, charges may be automatically discounted for specific members. For more information, see About Membership Auto Discounting.

When the Allow Negative Postings (Charges) OPERA Control is inactive you cannot post negative charges to reservation accounts; overriding the Post Negative Amounts task assigned to your role(s). 

When the Credit Card Wallet OPERA Control is set to Profile, a Store Credit Card Token to the Wallet check box is available to save new credit card details in a wallet. A Select a Credit Card action is available to retrieve the credit card details in the wallet.

When the Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control is active, the transaction code list is filtered according to the transaction codes assigned to your property role.

Posting Charges using Post it

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, and then select Post It.

  2. Select Article to post an article.

    1. Select an article to post. Alternatively, if the item has a UPC barcode, you can manually enter the number in the UPC field or by using a barcode scanner.

  3. Select Transaction Code to post a transaction code.

    1. Transaction Code/Description: Enter a transaction code or partial description to filter the transaction codes displayed. All transaction codes configured with the Manual Post check box selected are available. When the Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control is active, the transaction code list is filtered according to the transaction codes assigned to your property role. 

  4. The selected charge (and generated charges such as tax) appear in the cart.
    1. Update the Price as needed.

    2. To remove a charge, select the [x] next to a charge in the cart.

    3. Additional Information

      1. Click a transaction code and enter the following:

      2. Supplement: Enter any supplemental information text. If a negative Price is entered, this field is mandatory to ensure that you enter a reason for the negative (rebate) posting.

      3. Reference: Enter any reference information. This field is also used to automatically note any transferred postings and/or interface information, such as phone details.

      4. Check Number: Enter a POS check number if applicable.

      5. Apply to All Items: Select check box to apply details entered to all items in the cart.

      6. Click Save.

    4. Covers: Enter the number the covers (Available when the Post Covers OPERA Control is active and the Post Covers task is granted).

  5. Repeat the steps to post additional charges to the cart.

  6. To post negative items, first select the Activate Minus Posting button and then select the article(s) being adjusted. Your role must be granted Post a Negative Post It Article task.

  7. To settle the cart, click Pay.

  8. Click Complete Sale to post the settlement.

Settling Cart Balance

You can settle the balance to an in-house or open folio reservation account when your role is granted Charge to Room task. If settling to credit card, you can select a profile to generate a personalized 'passer-by' folio.

  1. Click the Charge to Room check box to settle to a reservation account.

    1. Enter a room or guest name then click Search.

    2. To include open folio reservations click the Open Folio check box.

    3. Select the required reservation from search results.

  2. If settling to a credit card, select the payment method, and enter card number, expiration date, and card holder name (swipe or tap card if payment integration is active at property).


    Card Present check box is available when the Payment Services Directive OPERA Control is active. This check box is deselected by default and remains deselected if you manually enter a credit card number. A Credit Card Was Entered Manually message appears when you manually enter a credit card. This check box is automatically selected if you insert or swipe a credit card in a credit card terminal.
    1. Passer by: You can also search and select a profile to generate a personalized folio. When the Transaction Discount OPERA Control is active, transaction discount associated with a profile is applied according to the Preferred Discount Membership OPERA Control. 

      1. Name: Click to search and select a profile.

    2. Additional Information: Click to enter supplement and reference information.

      1. Reference: Enter reference text

      2. Supplement: Enter supplement information.

    3. Click Complete Sale to post the settlement.

Posting Charges using Fast Post

Fast posting is used to rapidly post the same charge to multiple room reservation accounts. This feature is useful for manually posting point of sale (POS) charges to room accounts when integration with the POS system is unavailable. Other uses are for posting laundry or mini bar charges.


The Code field will retain the selected charge code - repeat entry of Name/Room and Amount to a post new charge.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Cashiering, and then select Post It.

  2. Select the Fast Post check box.

    1. Room / Name: Enter or select the room reservation the charge is to be posted to. Select the reservation from the search result.

    2. Code: Enter or select the transaction code to be posted. When the Transaction Code by User Role OPERA Control is active, the transaction code list is filtered according to the transaction codes assigned to your property role. 

    3. Amount. Enter the amount of the charge.

    4. Covers: Enter the number the covers (Available when the Post Covers OPERA Control is active and the Post Covers task is granted).

    5. Click Post.