Managing Package Allowances and Charges

You can view the details of package allowances and the charges posted against those allowances, including any package profit or loss adjustment or any allowance overage charge posted to the reservation account.

  • Package profit is posted when a package allowance is not consumed or under consumed; adjusting revenue to the item price.

  • Package loss is posted when a package is fully consumed; adjusting revenue from the posted amount to the item price.

When the Package Allowance Consumption When No Post or Post Stay Flag OPERA Control is active, charges may be posted to allowances when the reservation has the No Post check box selected or has Post Stay Charge privileges. For more information, see Payment Instructions.

When the Package Allowance Linking OPERA Control is active you can also setup allowance linking; transferring the allowances from one reservation to another. For example, you can transfer allowances for multiple reservations to a posting master reservation in order for the outlet post a single breakfast charge to the master group reservation account. 

Viewing Reservation Package Allowances and Charges 

To view the charges posted against an allowance.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and then click Search.

  3. In the search result, select the reservation then click I Want to… and select Billing (or click the value in the Balance column).

  4. Click + Show More then select the Packages link.

    1. Select the Package Postings tab.

      1. Click Breakout to display a detailed list of all transactions, including any allowance overages charged to the guest.

      2. Click Daily View to display a summary view. Use < and  to scroll through the reservation stay dates.

Linking Reservation Package Allowances

(Available when the Package Allowance Linking OPERA Control is active)

The reservations in a linked allowance relationship are known as the "source" room and the "target" room. The source room makes its allowance available to the target room. Whether or not the source room can draw on the allowance(s) of the target room is determined by the Use Shared Allowance check box in the Linked Allowances panel.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and then click Search.

  3. In the search result, select the reservation then click I Want to… and select Billing (or click the value in the Balance column).

  4. Click + Show More then select the Packages link.
    1. Select the Package Postings tab.

    2. Click Link Allowances.

    3. Enter reservation search criteria and click Search.

    4. Select a reservation then click Select.

    5.  Click > to view the Linked Allowances panel.

Unlinking Reservation Package Allowances

(Available when the Package Allowance Linking OPERA Control is active).

Once a charge is made against an allowance of either the source or target room,  you cannot unlink allowances until completion of End of Day.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and then click Search.

  3. In the search result, select the reservation then click I Want to… and select Billing (or click the value in the Balance column).

  4. Click + Show More then select the Packages link.
    1. Select the Package Postings tab.

    2.  Click > to view the Linked Allowances panel.

    3. Select the linked room/reservation , then click Unlink.

    4. Click Unlink to confirm.