Configuring Outbound Systems


Use Outbound System configuration to establish integrations where web service calls are initiated from OPERA Cloud. For example, for an integrated CRM solution that follows the OPERA Cloud REST specification, you can define an Outbound Code with Outbound Type = CRM and configure the CRM system end point URL and authentication credentials. Then, from the respective area(s) of OPERA Cloud, you can make synchronous (GET/POST) calls from OPERA Cloud to/from the CRM system using REST web-services.

You can create an Outbound System at the Global (Chain) or Property level for the available Outbound Type(s). For each outbound system, you can setup custom headers to include in the API messages. You can also setup data transformation between OPERA Cloud and the external system, see Data Value Mappings

Once outbound configuration is complete:

Add the Outbound System Service Path URL in Outbound Domain Allowlist configuration, for HTTPS Protocol. See Configuring Outbound Domain Allow Listings.

When the Outbound Domain Allowlist entry is Ready status, perform a test connection; if successful the outbound integration is ready.

You can monitor Request and Response messages using Outbound Monitoring.

Adding Outbound Systems Configuration

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup, select Outbound, and then select Outbound System Configuration.

  2. Click New and complete the following:

    1. Context: Select a value from the list.
      1. Select Global when you want to define chain-level outbound system configurations that can be used by all properties in the chain.

      2. Select Property when you want to define property-level outbound system configurations that can be used by the property

    2. Outbound Type:  Select an Outbound Type for which you want to create a configuration.

    3. Outbound Code: Enter the unique Outbound Code you want to create, such as SGAP1, CRMC1, CRMP1, and so on.


      The Outbound Code is unique in the given OPERA Cloud multi-tenant instance.
    4. Outbound Description: Enter Summary Description of the Outbound System being configured.

    5. Protocol: Gets defaulted with the supported protocol REST or XML for the selected Outbound Type for user information.

    6. Enable External System: Select this option to create an External System Code and External Database Code in OPERA Cloud, the same as the Outbound Code.

    7. Enable Conversions: This option is enabled when you select the above option. Select this option to define Data Value Mappings for the specific conversion groups.

    8. Default Property: This is visible when Context is Global. Select a default property from the list to use it for DVM Conversions.

    9. External Property: This field is visible when the above option is selected for defining a Property conversion code.

    10. Authorization Type: Select a value from the list.

      1. BASIC: when an external system provides only basic authentication details, such as user account user name and service account password key details.

      2. OAUTH : when an external system provides open authorization details, such as OAuth Token URL, service account and key, and clientid and secrete credential details.

      3. TOKEN: when the vendor system provides only token based authorization. A token key up to 256 characters is allowed.

      4. NONE: when there is no authorization required. This is applicable only for CRM_LEGACY outbound type configurations.

    11. Grant Type: Select a value from the list:

      1. Password: when an external system provides you with Service Account and Key and Client ID and Key details.

      2. Client Credentials: when an external system provides you only the Client ID and Key details.

    12. Scope: Enter the Scope URL provided by the external system.

    13. Application Key: Enter the Application Key provided by the external system.

    14. Bypass Proxy: Select the check box when you configure the endpoint URL provided by Oracle Cloud within the same region. Do not enable if the URL is from a cross region or non-Oracle Cloud.

    15. Click New and enter the service details.

      1. Service Name: Select a value from the list.

      2. Service Path: Enter the external system's REST APIs base URL. The path should not include any relative paths, query parameters, or path parameters.

        1. For example, you need to set the Base URL only, which is

        2. In this case, for Profile Lookup, the target URL generates as:{systemCode}/chains/{chainCode}/externalProfiles.

      3. Repeat steps to add additional services.

  3. Click Save.

Testing Outbound System Connectivity

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup, select Outbound, and then select Outbound System Configuration.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the Outbound System in search results, click the vertical ellipsis Actions, and select Test.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Test Connection Result Messages:

    1. When the configured Base URL service path is valid, it shows an information message, "Test Connection Successful."

    2. When the configured Base URL Service path is not secured, it shows an error, “Test Connection Failed - Processing Exception occurred.”

    3. When the configured Base URL Service path is not available, it shows an error, “Test Connection Failed with response status: 502-Bad Gateway.”

    4. When the configured Base URL service path is invalid, it shows an error, “Test Connection Failed - SSLHandshake Error. Please contact Oracle Support.”

    5. When Test connection is performed for GAMING_SGACSC, GAMING_SGCMP, it shows an error, “Test connection cannot be done for this configuration.”

    6. When Test connection is performed without adding the Service Path to the proxy allow-list, it shows an error, “Test connection not allowed through proxy. Please contact administrator.”


      Test connection validates Service Path URL only when configured and added to the Outbound Domain Allowlist.

Editing Outbound System

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup, select Outbound, and then select Outbound System Configuration.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the Outbound System in search results, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.

  4. Update the details.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Outbound System

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup, select Outbound, and then select Outbound System Configuration.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the Outbound System in search results, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.