Transferring Reservation Account Postings

You can transfer charges to another billing window (sub-account) within a reservation account, or transfer charges to/from another in house reservation accounts. You can also transfer charges to checked out reservations with post stay privileges. For more information, see Using Post Stay Charging and Open Folio Status. Charges cannot be transferred across properties in multi-property operations.


When the Automatically Transfer Generates with Main OPERA Control is active, tax generates are transferred along with the main charge. 

Transferring Charges using the Transfer Posting action

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results and click I Want To. . . and select Billing.

  4. On the Manage Billing screen, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and then select Transfer Posting.

    1. On the Transfer Type screen, select either Entire Folio or Partial/Selected Postings.

      1. If you select Entire Folio, select either To a Room or From Room(s) and enter or search Guest's Name to select one or more reservations. Click Remove to delete a selected reservation.

      2. If you select Partial/Selected Postings, select To a Folio Window and choose the sub-account (billing window), or select either To a Room or From Room(s) and enter or search Guest's Name to select one or more reservations. Click Remove to delete a selected reservation.

    2. Select Next.

      1. On the Transaction Stop screen, select transactions from the Available row and move them to the Selected row.

      2. Select Next.

    3. On the Split Options screen, select one of three options:

      1. Do not split.

      2. Split by Amount

      3. Split by Percentage.

      4. Enter an amount or percentage if you selected either Split by Amount or Split by Percentage.

      5. Select Next.

    4. On the Transfer Confirmation screen, select Transfer to move the posting to either another window on the guest's folio or to another guest's room.

Transfer Charges using Drag and Drop

A quick way to transfer charges between billing windows (sub accounts) is to use drag and drop functionality. You can also drag and drop transactions to a different reservation account added in Billing.

Click Move Charges to expose the Billing Window / Reservation draw on the right side of Billing.


This method does not let you split charges when transferring.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results and click I Want To. . . and select Billing.

  4. To transfer charges to another billing window:

    1. Click Windows in the Move Charges draw.

    2. Select the charges to transfer, then hold down the mouse key and drag the charges into the window number listed in the draw.

  5. To transfer charges to another reservation account:

    1. Click Other Reservations in the Move Charges draw.

      1. Click Add Reservation to search and select a reservation to add to Billing.

    2. Select the charges to transfer, then hold down the mouse key and drag the charges into the room reservation listed in the draw.


      You can toggle between reservation accounts by selecting one of the rooms reservations listed in the draw.