About Child Age Buckets

Child Rates By Defined Buckets function lets you set separate rates based on the number of children when the children are staying in the room without an adult. Rates can be set for one child, two children, three children, and four children. When the number of children staying in a room with or without an adult is greater than the number for which separate rates have been specified, an Extra Child price is applied.

The handling of children rates depends on the Child Rates By Defined Buckets OPERA controls;  if inactive, the Extra Child price is used.

When there are children staying in the room with an adult, the rate for each child is determined by the child's age. The child age buckets are also used when there are children staying in the room without an adult and the number of children is greater than the number for which "Children on Own" rates are specified. In this case that the rate for any extra children is determined by the age bucket to which the youngest child in the entire group belongs. For example, if four children, ages 3, 4, 7, and 11 years are staying in their own room, and rates for 1 Child, 2 Children, and 3 Children have been specified, but not a rate for 4 Children, the rate would be the rate for 3 Children plus the rate for one child 0-5 years, because the youngest child is 3.

Excluding Child Age Buckets from Threshold Calculations

When the Occupant Threshold Pricing Method and Child Rates By Defined Buckets OPERA controls are active, child age buckets can be excluded from the occupant threshold calculations. Selecting the Exclude check box next to a child age bucket excludes the bucket from being used to determine if a threshold has been excluded.

Following are some examples on how this functionality works:

Example 1
  • Reservation Guests: 2 Adults, 3 Children - 1 in each bucket

  • Pricing Schedule Value: 1 child free per every 3 children booked per room

  • Charges Result: 2 Adults and 2 Children will be charged for the stay, but the child in Rate Bucket 1 will not be charged

Example 2
  • Reservation Guests: 2 Adults, 8 Children - 1 in Rate Bucket 1, 1 in Rate Bucket 2, 6 in Rate Bucket 3

  • Pricing Schedule Value: 1 child free per every 4 children booked per room

  • Charges Result: 2 Adults and 6 Children will be charged for the stay, but 1 child in Rate Bucket 1 and 1 child in Rate Bucket 2 will not be charged.

Free Child Rates By Defined Buckets

When the Free Child Rates By Defined Buckets OPERA Control is active, a 1 Child Every Free field is visible in the rate code pricing schedule to determine, when one child is to be excluded from child rate calculation.   Following are some examples on how this functionality works:
  • Example 1 Reservation Guests: 2 Adults, 3 Children - 1 in each bucket

    Pricing Schedule Value: 1 child free per every 3 children booked per room

    Charges Result: 2 Adults and 2 Children will be charged for the stay, but the child in Rate Bucket 1 will not be charged

  • Example 2 Reservation Guests: 2 Adults, 4Children - 1 in Rate Bucket 1, 1 in Rate Bucket 2, 2 in Rate Bucket 3

    Pricing Schedule Value: 1 child free per every 4 children booked per room

    Charges Result: 2 Adults and 3 Children will be charged for the stay, but the child in Rate Bucket 1 will not be charged.