Comp Authorizers and Authorizer Groups

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When the Comp Request OPERA Control is active, authorizers can approve comp charge routing requests (that is, set up comp routing instructions for a comp routing request) or decline a comp routing request.

When you set up a user as an authorizer, you specify the transaction codes and routing codes that the authorizer can comp, specifying the per-day ceiling value or credit limit for transaction codes and/or routing codes, and specify the per-instance ceiling value for comped transactions.

Authorizers can be grouped together into Authorizer Groups so that new authorizers inherit the rate code, transaction codes, and monetary limits assigned to the group.

When an authorizer is assigned to an authorizer group, any subsequent changes to the authorizer group rate code, transaction codes, and/or monetary limits are inherited by the authorizers assigned to that group. In addition, when authorizer group changes are saved, any rate code, transaction codes, and/or monetary limits set individually for the authorizer are replaced by the authorizer group values.

Daily Credit Limit and Transfer Limit

You can define a Daily Credit Limit and Transfer Limit for the comp routing and transaction codes associated with an Authorizer Group.
  • The Daily Credit Limit is the credit limit which the authorizer group cannot exceed while settling the comp windows.

  • The Transfer Limit is the limit which the authorizer group cannot exceed while routing or transferring charges from cash windows to comp windows.

The following guidelines apply:
  • Any Authorizer assigned to the Authorizer Group inherits the same Transaction /Routing Codes, Daily Credit Limit, Transfer Limit, and Rate Code associated with the group. This takes precedence over the Transaction /Routing Codes, credit limit, limit values, and rate code defined on the specific authorizer itself.

  • When you route a posting or move one to a comp window, the Daily Credit Limit / Transfer Limit values will validate the transaction. If the limit is exceeded, the transaction will not be comped.

  • When creating a comp routing instruction, if the authorizer has a Transfer Limit value defined for the Transaction /Routing Codes, the lowest limit value among the selected codes is pre-populated in the Routing limits. This takes precedence over the limits defined in the Comp Routing Codes.

Authorizer Sign In Screen

When transferring comp transactions or approving routing requests by staff members, the Authorizer Sign In screen appears and users who are authorizers must enter their Authorizer ID to proceed. When the Authorizer PIN Required OPERA Control is active, authorizers must also enter their PIN.

The Membership Number and Membership Name from the reservation appears on the Authorizer Sign In screen when the reservation membership type matches the Default PTS Membership Type OPERA Control. If the membership information does not appear or if you want to change the attached membership, you can click the Profile Search link to open the Profile Search screen and search for a profile.