Performance Meter

Prerequisites for Performance Meter.

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The Performance Meter tool enables you to test your local network and browser performance and check if a connectivity performance issue exists between your browser and the OPERA Cloud server. When you complete a performance test, you are presented with a result summary and the recommended actions if the results are not optimal.

When a performance issue is caused by the network or browser performance, you should contact your IT specialist. If the issue is detected on any of the OPERA Cloud servers, you should contact your administrator and provide the generated Result ID.

Performance Results

With the Performance Meter task assigned to your role, the following information appears:
  • Performance Score legend

  • Browser <browser name>, OPERA Cloud and Overall results displaying a Score (0-100) and Elapsed Time in milliseconds (ms) (appears inside a circle with the appropriate color based on the test score).

  • Recommended actions, including Time Stamp and Result ID

    • If the performance result is good for both the browser and OPERA Cloud, the following message appears:

      Performance Test completed on <Day of the week, Date, Time>. Your system is running at optimal speed, no further action required. You may close this window.
    • If the performance result is poor for the browser, the following message appears:

      Performance Test completed on <Day of the week, Date, Time>. Browser <Name of Browser> is not running at optimal speed, please contact your IT specialist for support.
    • If the performance result is poor for OPERA Cloud, the following message appears:

      Performance Test completed on <Day of the week, Date, Time>. OPERA Cloud is not running at optimal speed, please contact your administrator with Result ID <Result ID>
    • If the performance result is poor for both OPERA Cloud and the browser, the following message appears:

      Performance Test completed on <Day of the week, Date, Time> Browser <Name of the Browser> is not running at optimal speed, please contact your IT specialist for support. OPERA Cloud is not running at optimal speed, please contact your administrator with Result ID <Result ID>

Figure 1-18 Performance Test Results

This figure shows the test results on the Performance Meter screen.