About Post Room and Tax Procedure

The Post Room and Tax procedure posts accommodation charges and associated taxes, plus reservation fixed charges, rate code and reservation package charges to all in house reservation accounts. Additionally, when the Advanced Package OPERA Control is active, package allowances, package profit and loss adjustment charges are posted to the package ledger for applicable in house reservations.

When the No Show and Cancellation Postings OPERA Control and Post Revenue to No Show OPERA Controls are active, this procedure posts a no show charge to reservations based on No Show Posting rules.

When the Advanced Discount OPERA Control is active, the Post Room and Tax procedure references the Advanced Discount Reasons (ADR) and the Advanced Discount Reasons calculation rules to calculate the discount amount to be applied to each reservation based on the advanced discount reason set in the reservation discount reason field. The amount to be posted considers all non-Advanced Discount Reason Reservations to calculate the amount of discount to be posted to guest reservations. The Room Rate posting posts the percent of ADR on all guest reservations with an Advance Discount Reason selected. The amount of the posting depends on the configuration of the Advance Discount Reason and the previous night's occupancy. For more information, see Configuring Discount Reasons.

The Postings Status page displays specific information about each posting, such as how many times each posting process has been run (iterations), the starting and stopping time, and the status.
  • Room and Tax - Posts (rate code) accommodation charge and tax generates.

  • Fixed Charges - Posts reservation fixed charges. For more information, see Managing Reservation Fixed Charges.

  • Package Charges - Posts reservation and rate code package charges to guest ledger and create allowances in package ledger.

  • Package Profit/Loss - Post package ledger adjustments.


 No matter how many iterations of the Post Room and Tax procedure are executed for a business date, duplicate charges are not posted to reservation accounts.