OPERA Cloud Tasks — Miscellaneous

Find the Task permissions by navigating to Role Manager, Role Management, and then selecting Manage Chain Roles or selecting Manage Property Roles.

Granting or revoking tasks in OPERA Tasks for chain or property roles are logged in the changes log.

Table 21-14 Task Permissions

Parent Task Task Subtask


General Exports

  • New/Edit General Exports

  • Delete General Exports

  • Generate General Exports

Country Exports

  • New/Edit Country Exports

  • Delete Country Exports

  • Generate Country Exports

Membership Exports

  • New/Edit Membership Exports

  • Delete Membership Exports

  • Generate Membership Exports

Back Office Exports

  • New/Edit Back Office Exports

  • Delete Back Office Exports

  • Generate Back Office Exports

Export Schedules

  • New/Edit Export Schedules

  • Delete Export Schedules

Download Exports

  • New/Edit Download Exports

  • Delete Download Exports

  • Generate Download Exports

View Exports with Sensitive Data


Copy Export/Export Mappings


Export Mapping

  • New/Edit Export Mapping

  • Delete Export Mapping

Miscellaneous Workspace

Log It

  • New/Edit Log It

  • Delete Log It

Service Requests

  • New/Edit Service Requests

  • Delete Service Requests

Changes Log


Telephone Book

  • New/Edit Telephone Book

  • Delete Telephone Book

Supporting Documents


Monitoring Workspace

  • ADS Error Processing

  • Business Event Queue

  • IATA Exceptions

  • Fiscal Business Event Status

  • Resend Fiscal Business Events

Delete IATA Exceptions

Track It

  • New/Edit Track It

  • Delete Track It

Telephone Operator



Property Interface Controls

  • Edit Key Valid Start Date

  • Edit Key Valid Start Time

  • Edit Key Valid Until Date

  • Edit Key Valid Until Time