Configuring Auto Attachment Rules

Auto-attach Elements enable properties to automatically update new reservations with selected benefits. For example, a reservation for a VIP reservation might auto-update with a package item for a fruit platter or a trace to housekeeping for special amenities to be placed in the room.

Adding Auto Attachment Rules

  1. Select the Administration menu, select Booking, select Reservation Management, and then select Auto Attachment Elements.

  2. Select New.

  3. Complete the following fields:
    1. Property. Select or enter a property code.

    2. Code. Enter a unique code (identifier) for the rule.


    Different field prompts appear on the screen depending on the Based On and Element Type values you select.

  4. Select the Based On Conditions on which to base the auto attach rule.
    1. Options are: Membership, Rate Code, Preference, Room Type, Adults, Children, Specials, VIP, or Keyword Type.

    2. Based on the conditions you select, other fields or options appear enabling you to add details to the conditions. For example, if selecting Membership, the Membership Type field and Membership Level selector appear.

  5. Select an Element Type. Select the field to update on the reservation. The available Element Types will vary depending on the Based On Condition you selected.

  6. Details (field prompt will vary according to the element type you selected). Select code(s) from the list to update on the selected field (element type) on the reservation – these are the values being attached to the reservation.


    When the Reservations, Advanced Discount OPERA Controls are active an Advanced Discount element type and an Advanced Disc Code field are enabled for certain conditions. Select an Advanced Discount code to update on reservations, resulting in a dynamically calculated discount.
  7. Click Save.

Editing Auto Attachment Rules

  1. Select the Administration menu, select Booking, select Reservation Management, and then select Auto Attachment Elements

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results, select the code and then click on the vertical ellipsis.

  5. Select Edit.

  6. Select Inactive if you want to make the rule code inactive.

  7. Update the configuration and then click Save.

Deleting Auto Attachment Rules

  1. Select the Administration menu, select Booking, select Reservation Management, and then select Auto Attachment Elements

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results, select the code and then click on the vertical ellipsis.

  5. Select Delete.