Configuring Cashiers

Cashier IDs are required to track every charge and payment posted to reservation and AR accounts. In multi-property operations cashier IDs are shared across all properties, allowing a cashier to post charges and payments in any property, according to their role and hub assignment, for more information, see Managing Users.

When the Foreign Currency Codes OPERA Control is active, you can configure foreign currency starting amounts. These amounts are indicated when closing cashiers. For more information, see section Configuring Cashier Starting Amounts.

Payment and charge transaction details are then available on financial reports and cashier closure reports.

You can automate the creation and assignment of cashiers to users by configuring an LDAP template cashier and assigning users the <ORG>_OPERACASHIER role. The auto-created cashiers inherit the template cashier attributes such as Starting Amount, Maximum Daily Uses and so on.

A cashier ID must be configured for the Night Audit Cashier ID OPERA Control and the Income Audit Cashier ID OPERA Control when the Income Audit OPERA Control is active. Cashiers must also be configured for each property interface that posts charges to OPERA Cloud. For example, Point of Sale, Video, Minibar, PBX / Call Accounting, and Leisure: Spa / Golf.

Adding Cashiers

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, then select Cashiers.

  2. Click New and complete the fields and options on the Manage Cashier screen.

    1. Cashier ID: Enter a number to identify the cashier ID.


      999999 is the highest number you can assign to a cashier.

    2. Name: Enter the cashier's name. This could be the name of a person, the name of a shift, or other descriptive term to associate with this cashier ID.

    3. Starting Amount. Enter the local currency starting balance assigned to the cash drawer for employees signing on with this cashier ID.


      If you choose to work with fixed starting balances, enter the opening amount of each cashier's float (or bank) in this field. This is the amount the employee retains in the cash drawer and carries forward to the next day. If your policy requires cashiers to completely empty their cash drawer each night and deposit all the money in their banks into the safe, then your property is working without fixed starting balances and no entry is required. The starting amount is reflected on the Cashier Closure Report.

    4. Users: Select one or more users to assign to this cashier ID. You cannot select user(s) already selected for another cashier. You cannot assign more than one user to the cashier when the Exclusive Cashier ID OPERA Control is active. You cannot remove a user when the cashier is open.

    5. Maximum Daily Uses: Enter the number of times cashiers can close and re-open their cashier in one business day.


      At the end of each shift, the cashier is balanced and closed. After closing, you must re-open before you can post another transaction. You can set the maximum daily user from 0 to 9999 (unlimited). For security purposes, you might want to restrict users to one or two uses per business day. Enter the number 1 here if you do not want a cashier reopened after it has been closed.

    6. Float Over/Short: Select if the cashier is able to drop above or below the required drop amount.


      OPERA Cloud maintains a running total of any differences that might occur between the cash amount posted by the cashier and the cash amount the cashier actually entered during cashier closing. OPERA Cloud adds or subtracts the difference (depending on whether the cash amount is over or short) and updates the total accordingly.

    7. Cashier: Select to configure this cashier ID for a standard user cashier. This is the default.

    8. LDAP Template: Select to use this cashier ID as a template. This template is then used for automatically creating and assigning cashier IDs, to users granted the <ORG>_OPERACASHIER role, The cashier IDs created for users inherits the attributes set on this template Cashier (e.g., _Starting Amount, Maximum Daily Uses, etc.). The Cashier Name is taken from the login User Name and a Cashier ID number is assigned by OPERA Cloud. Only one LDAP Template cashier ID can be created.

    9. Interface Cashier: Select if the cashier ID is reserved for use by interfaces.

    10. Kiosk Cashier: Select the check box if this cashier ID is reserved for use by Kiosk applications. This cashier ID is not available for selection from the Cashier ID list of values on the Cashier Login screen. Only one Kiosk Cashier can be created and it cannot be selected as LDAP Template. This option is enabled when the OPP_KSK integration service is active.

  3. Click Save.

Editing Cashiers

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, then select Cashiers.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Click the row level vertical ellipsis Actions menu for the cashier and select Edit.

    1. Update the configuration.

    2. Inactive. Select to set the cashier inactive.


      If a Cashier ID is attached to a user or a control setting, you cannot make the cashier inactive. (A message alerts you that dependencies exist.)

    3. Click Save.

Configuring Cashier Starting Amounts

Adding Cashier Starting Amounts


The Amounts action is not available if the cashier you selected is open; close the cashier in order to add starting amounts.
  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, then select Cashiers.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the cashier in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Amount.
  4. Click New and complete following:

    1. Currency Code: Select a currency code from the list.

    2. Amount: Enter a starting amount.

    3. Click Save.

Editing Cashier Starting Amounts

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, then select Cashiers.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the cashier in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu for the cashier and select Amount.

    1. Select the currency code in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

    2. Update the details.

    3. Click Save.

Deleting Cashier Starting Amounts

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, then select Cashiers.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the cashier in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu for the cashier and select Amount.

    1. Select the currency code in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

    2. Click Delete to confirm.