Configuring (Room Type) Task Schedules


You can configure multiple schedules for the same Room Type and Task combination when one of the following components is different: Special, Rate Code, Market Code, VIP Level.
Once Housekeeping Tasks and Task Supplies are configured, the next step is to schedule these tasks for each room type. Each room type task scheduled is given a priority and a frequency. If two tasks are scheduled to occur on the same day, the higher priority task is scheduled. For example, a task scheduled for every two days and a task scheduled for every five days will occur on the 10th day of the stay, and the task with the higher priority will be scheduled. Vacant dirty rooms are assigned the departure task.


Regardless of priority the departure task will be prioritized for a room when there is both a departure and arrival reservation on the same date.  

For each task scheduled, you can also select the various task supplies (such as linen, soap, or shampoo) to be provided as part of the task scheduled.

Adding Room Type Task Schedules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Task Sheets, and then select Schedules.

  2. Click New and complete the following fields:

    1. Property: Enter a property or search for and select a property.

    2. Room Type: Select the room type for which this task is being scheduled.


      You can set up the Task Schedules with a blank room type. All room types that don't already have a schedule configured will utilize blank room-type schedules. However, any schedule with a blank room type will no longer be considered once a schedule for that particular room type is configured.
    3. Task: Select the down arrow to choose a task.

    4. Market Codes: Enter or select Market Codes to limit the scheduling of the task.

    5. Special : Enter or select Special codes to limit the scheduling of the task.

    6. Rate Codes: Enter or select Rate Codes to limit the scheduling of the task.

    7. Priority: Enter a number for the priority. When more than one task is scheduled for a room type, you define a priority number for each task. A priority is assigned to determine which task takes precedence when two or more tasks converge on a given day of the reservation stay dates. For example, if Full Service was scheduled for every 7 days, and Light Touch was scheduled for every 3 days, these tasks would overlap for any reservation that is in-house for 21 days. For such reservations, OPERA Cloud would choose the Full Service task with priority 1, rather than Light Touch with priority 2.

    8. VIP Levels: Enter VIP codes to limit the scheduling of the task. (Available when the VIP OPERA Control is active).

    9. Credits: Enter a credit value for the task. When the room type is a component suite room type, the credits entered will be added to each of the rooms that comprise the component suite on the task sheets. (Available when the Housekeeping Credits OPERA Control is set to Facility).

    10. Schedule: Select from the following options:
      1. Every X Days: Select to schedule the task to occur every X number of days of the reservation. This field can be used in conjunction with the Starting On Day and the Every XX Day field to skip days in between when this task will be performed.


        If the Start on Day field is left blank, then the Task will start with the value entered into the Every XX Days field. For example, if the Arrival Date of a reservation is 04/11/11, Departure Date of 04/15/11, and has a Task schedule of Every 1 Day, then the Task would be scheduled to start on 04/12/11.

      2. Everyday: Select to complete the Task every day.

      3. Departure Day Only: (Available when the task has been configured as Departure Room Default Task). Select to only complete this Task on the departure date of the reservation.

      4. Custom Schedule: Available when the task is configured as a Guest Requested task. This task will not be scheduled automatically. You can customize the schedule from the Reservation Housekeeping and Task Schedule.

      5. Not Required: Select to exclude certain filter options (that is, a reservation with a specific rate code) from being scheduled with a task. For example, a room type is set up with 4 different tasks for each day. A group has negotiated a lower rate and one of the tasks is excluded for this group (by rate code). Then the frequency Not Required can be chosen for that particular task for that Rate Code.

      6. Arrival Day Only: Select to schedule on arrival day only.

    11. Number of Days: Specify how often in days, following the reservations arrival date, the task is to be completed. For example, if the task is repeated every day following the arrival date, enter 1. If the task is completed every three days, enter a 3, and so on. Optionally, you can also define days of the week when this task can take place. See the ‘Days of Week’ field description below for details.

    12. Starting on Day: Enter the number of the day of the reservation on which to start the Task schedule. For example, if 3 is entered, then the Task would not be scheduled until the 3rd day of the reservation.

    13. Include on Arrival Day: Select if you would like the task to begin schedule on the guest’s arrival date.

    14. Days of the Week: This option works in conjunction with the Number of Days option to enable you to control the days of the week on which this task can take place. (If no days are selected, only the Number of Days frequency is considered regardless of the day of the week on which the task falls.) Use the check boxes to select the days of the week on which the task can be scheduled. If the day when the task should take place according to the specified frequency falls on a day of the week which is not selected, the task will take place on the next available day of the week.


      If a scheduled task is designated as the Departure Room Default Task, it will be scheduled for the checked-out room regardless of the frequency or the days of the week configured for that task.

      For example, assume you want to specify the Full Service (FS) task should take place Every 7 Days, except when the task would fall on a weekend (Saturday and Sunday options deselected, all other days selected). When a Full Service task falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it should be pushed to the next available weekday. In addition, Light Touch (LT) cleaning should be scheduled daily (Every 1 Day), Monday through Friday.

      The below table provides an example of how these tasks would be scheduled for a hypothetical stay. Only the priority (FS-Full Service) task is shown on dates when two tasks converge on the same day.

      Table 12-5 Task Schedule

      Date Day of the Week Task



      No Service (Arrival)



      LT - Light Touchup



      LT - Light Touchup



      LT - Light Touchup



      LT - Light Touchup



      LT - Light Touchup



      No Service



      No Service



      FS- Full Service



      LT - Light Touchup



      LT - Light Touchup



      LT - Light Touchup



      LT - Light Touchup



      No Service



      No Service



      FS- Full Service



      LT - Light Touchup



      LT - Light Touchup



      FS- Full Service (Departure Task)

    15. Message Text: Enter a message to display when the task is selected for a custom task schedule for a reservation. For more information, see Reservation Housekeeping and Task Schedule.

  3. Click Save.

Adding Task Supplies for Task Schedules

Once a task schedule has been setup for a room type, you can select the various supplies.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Task Sheets, and then select Schedules.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the task schedule then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

    1. Under Supplies, click New and complete the following:

    2. Code: Select a supply code to add to the task.

    3. Quantity: Enter the number of the supply item to add to this task.

    4. Repeat these steps to add more supplies to the task scheduled.

    5. Click Save.

Editing Room Type Task Schedules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Task Sheets, and then select Schedules.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the code and click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

  4. Inactive: Select check box to make a code inactive; inactive codes are not available for selection.

  5. Update the configuration.

  6. Click Save.

Deleting Room Type Task Schedules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Inventory, select Task Sheets, and then select Schedules.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the code and click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.