Overriding a Closed Rate

A rate code amount (price) can be closed and unavailable to book due to various reasons: room type maximum occupancy, rate restrictions , room type inventory limits, Block allocation limits, or rate hurdles set by an integrated revenue management system. When the Include Closed Rates check box is selected in Look to Book Sales Screen, closed rate are displayed with a red X. When the Include Closed Rates check box is selected in Reservation Sales Screen, closed rate are displayed with a closed indicator indicator.

When selecting a closed rate for a new reservation:

  • If you have been granted the required override task, via your assigned role(s), the reservation creation process will continue.

  • If you have not been granted the required override task, a login prompt displays for an authorized user, with the appropriate override task granted, to enter their PIN and override the restriction before the reservation creation process can continue.

The various override tasks applicable are:

  • Oversell Room Type for a reservation or block At House Level

  • Oversell Room Type for a reservation or block At Room Class Level

  • Oversell Room Type for a reservation or block At Room Type Level

  • Override Maximum Occupancy

  • Override LTB and Edit Reservation 

  • Override Restricted Profiles for Reservation

  • Override Rate Code Restriction

  • Override Block Availability

  • Override Sell Limits

Rate Availability Analysis

The Rate Availability Analysis page displays when a closed rate is selected. This page indicates the restriction type(s) set for the reservations dates and the calendar shows others dates with no or alternate restrictions (alternate dates).

Select Close to return to Look to Book or Reservation Sales Screen and change the search criteria or select Continue Booking to override the restriction and continue with the reservation booking. The restriction override is captured in the Changes Log for the Reservation Group and Overrides Action Type. For more information, see Viewing Changes Log Details.