Viewing Reservation Delivery History

Reservation Delivery History details the status of reservation (and profile) message delivery to external systems integrated through OPERA eXchange Interface (OXI).

Users with the Interface Re-synchronization task granted to their role can initiate a re-synchronization of messages to all external systems.

The Delivery History panel displays the following details for each message:

  1. Property: Property Code

  2. Reservation Name: Internal Reservation ID

  3. Delivery ID: Sequence ID generated by OXI

  4. Method: Delivery method of the OXI message

  5. Delivery Date: Delivery date of the OXI message

  6. Interface ID: External system ID

  7. Status: Message status

  8. Error Description: Error description

  9. Retry: Retry count

Viewing Reservation Delivery History

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in search result, click I Want To. . . , then click Delivery History or open Reservation Presentation and click I Want To. . . .then click Delivery History.

  4. To refresh the panel, click vertical ellipsis and select Refresh to update.

Re-syncing (Resend) Reservation Delivery

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in search result, click I Want To. . . , then click Delivery History or open Reservation Presentation and click I Want To. . . .then click Delivery History.

  4. Click Resync.


You can also click  I Want To. . . then Synchronize to External System to initiate a re-synchronization.