Configuring Package Code Transaction Details

Editing Package Code Transaction Details

  1. From the Administration menu, select Rate Management, and then select Package Code.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select a package code and click the vertical ellipsis, then select Edit.

  4. Click Transaction Details.

  5. Click Edit.

    1. Transaction Code: Select a sales charge transaction code from the list; the item price will be posted to this charge code.

      1. Tax Inclusive: Select to indicate the item price is inclusive of taxes.

    2. Package Allowance: Select the indicate this package item is to generate an allowance rather than post the actual sales charge.  (Available when the Advanced Packages OPERA Controls is active).

      1. Package Profit: Select a transaction code to post any package profit (unconsumed allowances).

      2. Package Loss: Select a transaction code  to post any package loss (fully consumed allowances).

      3. Overage: Select a sales charge transaction code from list that will be used to post the amount that is consumed over the allowance amount of the package element (set in the Package Pricing panel). If this field is left blank, any overage is posted to the main transaction code to which the allowance was posted.

        1. Tax Inclusive: Select to indicate the item price is inclusive of taxes.

      4. Alternates: Select transaction codes that can be used as alternatives to the main package transaction code (in the Code field) for this package. For example, the package may be for restaurant breakfast food (transaction code 2000) and room service breakfast (transaction code 3000 ) listed as an Alternate transaction code, allowing the guest to consume the same amount for room service breakfast without penalty.

    3. Currency: Select the currency for this package. Allowance packages and non-allowance packages set up in one currency cannot be attached to rate codes, reservations, and blocks configured in another currency. (Available when the Ability to Quote Rates in Foreign Currencies OPERA Control is active).

  6. Click Save.


When configuring a Loyalty Award Package, such as, Point (Award) Redemption selected in Package Code Definition, only Transaction Code and Currency are enabled.