Configuring Rate Code Definition

Editing Rate Code Definition

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Codes.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. From search results, select the rate code and click vertical ellipsis, select Edit.

  4. On the Rate Code presentation page click the Rate Definition details link.

  5. Click Edit and complete the following:
    1. Property: Enter or select the property

    2. Rate Code: Enter an alpha-numeric code (maximum 12 characters). Rate code is displayed in various areas such as Look to Book, reservation stay details and daily details and negotiated rates.

    3. Start / End Sell Dates: Enter the date range during which you can make a booking for this rate code; this defines the date range the rate is displayed in Look to Book (not to be confused with the stay dates / pricing schedule dates)

    4. Privileged (Protected) Rate Code: Select to lock the rate code and prevent users from editing or deleting it. When this check box is selected, various fields in the rate setup will be read-only to users without the Privilege Rates update task granted (Available when the Rate Ownership OPERA Control is active). For more information, see Configuring Rate Code Protection

    5. Privileged Rate Restriction: Select to lock down rate restrictions for this rate code and prevent other users from setting restrictions. Users without the Privileged Restrictions Update task granted will not be able to edit or delete rate restrictions for this rate code. Rate codes with this check box selected will not be available for selection from Rate Availability and is available for selection from Rate Code Restrictions.

    6. Protection Type: Select a value from the list. For more information, see  Rate Code Protection

    7. Description:  Enter a name/description of the rate code. The description is displayed in Look to Book based on the Display Rate Description OPERA Control

      1. Manage Translation: Click link to configure localized descriptions. For more information, see Configuring Localized Code Descriptions. (Available when the Multi Language OPERA Control is active.).

    8. Room Types: Select one or more room types to determine the room types eligible for setup of pricing schedules. This field may already be populated if the Auto populate check box is selected room type configuration. Room types may only be removed when there are no active pricing schedules configured for the room type.

    9. Rate Category: Select a rate category from the list. For more information, see  Configure Rate Categories

    10. Market: Select a default market code for new reservations from the list. For more information, see  Configuring Market Codes

    11. Source: Select a default source code for new reservations from the list. For more information, see  Configuring Source Codes

    12. Display Set: Select a display set from the list. For more information, see Configuring Display Sets.

    13. Rate Group: Select a rate group from the list (Available when the Best Available Rates and Rate Groups OPERA Controls are active). For more information, see Configuring Rate Groups.

    14. Sequence: Enter a display sequence for the rate code.

  6. Click Save.