Managing Sub Events

When the Sub Event OPERA Control is active, you can link events together as master and sub events; allowing for changes made to the Expected, Guaranteed, Actual attendees, Space and Setup Style fields in a master event to be automatically applied to sub events with matching event data.  For example, when the Expected attendees is updated to 35 on a master event, the Expected attendees on the sub events is also updated. In multi-property operations, sub events and the master event must exist for the same property.

When generating the Banquet Event Order, the Event Printing Method option determines if the master and sub events output together.

You can convert regular events to sub events, or convert sub events to regular events.

Converting an Event to a Sub Event

When converting a regular event to a sub event, you must associate the new sub event with a master event. The new sub event inherits the function space, setup, and rate from the master event.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want To . . and select Convert To Sub Event.  the list displayed.

    1. Select a master event from the list displayed.

    2. Inherit Master Event Space: Select check box for the sub event to inherit the function space from the master event.

    3. Click Save

Converting Sub Events to Regular Events

When converting a sub event to a regular event, no master event is required. You must assign a function space to the event, define the setup, and specify other details as required for regular events.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, and then select Manage Events.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the event in the search result, then click I Want To . . and select Convert To Sub Event

  4. The sub event converts to a regular event.