Available Room Search

Use Available Room Search to search for vacant, available rooms based on a variety of search criteria. When Available Room Search is launched from Look to Bookreservation search/presentation, Batch Room Assignment. House Account  or Check in, the reservation stay details populate to the relevant search criteria. When the Reservation Room Feature and Floors OPERA Control is active, reservation preferences also populate to the search criteria. When the Reservation Room Feature and Floors OPERA Control is inactive, profile preference also populate to the search criteria.

The Default Room Status for Room Assignment OPERA Control determines the default room statuses selected in the search panel.

When the Room Conditions OPERA Control is active, the Room Condition column in the search result displays any room condition setup on the room; often used by housekeeping to communicate a temporary change in the setup of the room, such a bed configuration, minibar stock removed or interconnecting door open/closed.

When the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active, you can search for owner/ owner-referral rooms and change the room display order according to room rotation points.


Click the Room link to view information about the room or click a Room Type link to view information about the room type.

Searching Available Rooms

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, select Front Desk Workspace, and then select Available Room Search.

  2. Enter search criteria

    1. Property: Select or confirm the property

    2. Arrival: Enter the arrival date.

    3. Nights: Enter the number of nights.

    4. Room Status: Select one or more room statuses.

      1. Inspected: Select to search rooms with an Inspected status (available when the Inspected Status OPERA Control is active).

      2. Clean: Select to search rooms in a Clean status.

      3. Pickup: Select to search rooms in a Pickup status (available when the Pickup Status OPERA Control is active).

      4. Dirty: Select to search rooms in a Dirty status.

      5. Out of Order: Select to search rooms in an Out of Order status. OO rooms cannot be assigned to reservations (available when the Out of Order OPERA Control is active).

      6. Out of Service: Select to search rooms in an Out of Service status (available when the Out of Service OPERA Control is active).

    5. Room Class: Select one or more room classes from the list (available when the Room Class OPERA Control is active).

    6. Room Types: Select one or more room types from the list.

    7. Room: Enter a room value.

    8. Floor: Select one or more floors from the list.

    9. Exclude Floor: Select floors to be excluded from the results.

    10. Room Feature: Select one or more room features from the list.

    11. Exclude Room Feature: Select room features to exclude rooms with those room features attached from the results.

    12. Smoking: Select a smoking preference from the list.

    13. Connecting Rooms Only: Select to display only rooms which interconnect (available when the Connecting Rooms OPERA Control is active).

    14. Attendant in Room Only: Select to restrict the search to only rooms with a housekeeping room attendant currently in the room based on an active housekeeping task.

    15. Room Conditions: Select to include rooms with a room condition assigned (available when the Room Conditions OPERA Control is active) and includes those with a room condition indicated as Do Not Display in Room Assignment. See Room Conditions for more information. (Available when the Room Conditions OPERA Control is active).

    16. Vacant Rooms: Selected by default. Select to include vacant rooms.

    17. Pseudo Rooms: Select to include pseudo rooms in the search results. This check box is enabled when no room types are selected in the Room Type field.

    18. Departures: Select to include Due Out rooms in the search results.
      1. Departure Time: Enter a specific departure time to search for rooms available after the specified time.

    19. Owner Rooms Only : Select check box to list any room with a current Ownership record. (Available when the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active).

    20. Owner Exclusive Rooms Only: Select check box to list any room that is exclusively owned by the guest profile on the reservation. (Available when the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active).

    21. Perfect Fit : Select check box to only list rooms that are exactly available for the Nights entered.

    22. Forecast Rotation: Select check box to calculate the display order of room by rotation points, including those points that are still pending for future reservations. The calculation period is set by the Number of Days to Forecast OPERA Control. (Available when the Room Rotation and Forecast Rotation Points OPERA Controls are active).

    23. Owner Room Grades : Select check box to list available rooms by the Owner Room Grades. (Available when the Room Rotation and Owner Room Grade OPERA Controls are active).

  3. Click Search.

Assigning a Room to Reservations

When the Room Feature Validation OPERA Control is active, a message is displayed when the Room Feature preferences on the reservation/profile are not configured on the assigned room.

  1. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  2. In the search results, select the room to assign to the reservation, then click Select Room.

  3. When the Do Not Move Room OPERA Control is active, select the Do Not Move check box, then click Select Room to assign to the reservation and to set a Do Not Move restriction on the reservation. A lock symbol appears to the right of the room to indicate the Do Not Move status. For more information, see Managing Reservation Do Not Move Room Status.

Overriding Room Selection (if prompted)

You might be prompted to select another room if the room you assigned is unavailable.

  1. Click Select Another Room (if prompted) to return to the search results and assign an alternate room.

  2. Click Accept Room Selection to accept the warning and continue with the room assignment.

Overriding Room Rotation Next Room Selection

When the Room Rotation OPERA Control is active and you select a room that is not the next in the room rotation sequence, you are prompted to select an override reason. Reservation rotation override is tracked in the Changes Log for the Override activity type.

  1. Override Reason: Select a rotation override reason from the list.

  2. Click OK.