Generating the Guest or Contact Details Report

You can generate a report detailing the profile information recorded for Guest or Contact profiles; providing guests, who request, a copy of their information stored in OPERA Cloud.

You can provide a copy of information to the guests by generating a report with detailed profile information from their respective records. The sample_prof_data_port.rtf report can be customized using the Stationery Editor according to your needs, and you can setup multiple formats of the report in the Profile Group.

With the View Identification Details task granted, you can unmask personal identification details on the report. Generating this report is tracked in the Changes Log with the Profile Data Report Activity Type.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Profiles, and then select Manage Profiles.

  2. From View By, select Guest or Contact from the list of values.

  3. Enter additional search criteria and click Search.

  4. Select the profile from the search results. Click I Want To. . and then select Data Porting.

    1. RTF Template Name: Select the report template from the list.

    2. Show Masked Information: Select checkbox to unmasked personal identification information.

    3. Select a report destination.

      1. Preview: Select to preview in PDF.

      2. Email to Print: Select to print to selected printer. For more information, see Configuring Printers.

      3. Email: Select to delivery as PDF attachment to email.

        1. Select an email address from the list.


        2. Click Add New to enter a new email address.

      4. Download: Click to download folio in a variety of formats.

        1. Format: Select a format from the list.

    4. Click Process.