Customizing or Personalizing a Screen with Page Composer

The customization options available to a user are controlled by the user tasks assigned to a user’s roles in Role Manager.
  • Personalize ‒ This task enables the user to make changes that are only applicable/visible to the user who made the change. For example, hide/show fields, reorder columns in tables, reorder fields in panels, and search areas where personalization is available.

  • Customize Chain ‒ This task controls access to the global (all properties) customization level, which enables users to make changes which affect or apply to all properties.

  • Customize Property/Hub ‒ This task controls access to the Property/Hub customization level. Changes are applied or visible to users when logged in to a specific property or at the hub level.

Customization — Global / Property / Hub


Only users assigned to roles with either the Customize Chain or Customize Property/Hub tasks have access to this option.

Enabling Page Composer

You enable Page Composer at the chain (global) level or at the hub/property level.

  1. In multi-property operations, set your location. See Changing Your Location in Central or Multi Property Operations

  2. From the OPERA Cloud side menu, select Settings.

    1. Chain Level ‒ Users can add Flex Fields and modify the properties of components. Customization at the Chain level applies to all properties and users.

    2. Hub/Property Level ‒ Users can add Flex Fields and modify properties of components. Customization at the Hub/Property level applies to the current Hub or Property location the user is logged into.

    3. Off ‒ Customization is inactive. Users can only personalize a screen by hiding and showing fields / reorganizing columns. Personalization at the User level only applies to the currently logged in user. The user can only personalize the screen for his or her user and modifications do not affect other users.

  3. Click Save and then click Save again on the Confirmation screen to save your changes to a panel.


When you select either Chain Level or Hub/Property Level, a ‘Customizing for (location)’ notification appears in the application header adjacent to the current business date.

Figure 1-17 Customizing Notification

This figure shows the Customizing notification that appears.


If selecting Hub/Property, the customization applies to the location context —either a property or the chosen hub.

Customizing Page Panels

Any panel that supports customization displays a gear icon This is an image of the gear icon Search and edit any record or select an action link to launch the relevant page and begin customization of the panel.

  1. Click the gear icon This is an image of the gear icon in the panel to activate customization.

  2. To add fields, click the Add Field link and select a field from the list.
    1. To add a flex field, select Flex Field from the bottom of the list, select either Add Text, Add Number, or Add Date, and then select the required UDF field in the field properties.

    2. To add a hyperlink, select Flex Field and then select Add Link.

  3. To edit a fields properties, click the pencil icon This is an image of the Pencil icon for the field. See Page Composer Field Property Descriptions.
    1. To remove a field, select No for the Displayed field property

    2. To make a field mandatory, select Yes for Required field property

    3. To make a field read only, select Yes for Read Only field property

    4. Click Save to close the field properties page.

  4. To relocate a field in the panel, hover the mouse over a field until a cross hair cursor appears, hold down the left mouse key, and then drag the field to the required location in the panel. The other fields reorder to accommodate the new location.


    If a field cannot be dropped at the required location, a red crossed circle icon appears under the cursor.
  5. To reset a panel to the default layout, select the Delete Customization link.

  6. Click Close Customize to exit the customization mode for the panel.

Disabling Customization

Once all panels and pages have been customized, disable customization via the Settings option on the primary menu. Select the Off from the Settings page and then click Save.

The session reinitializes and the customizing notification no longer appears.

Customization Inheritance

  • Fields added or removed at a Global (chain) level apply to all Hub or Property locations.

  • Fields added or removed at a Hub location apply to the Hub location only.

  • Fields added or removed at a Property location apply to the Property only.

Personalizing for your User

Users with the Personalize task granted to their role can personalize panels by relocating or removing fields from a panel.

  1. Click the Personalize icon (appears as a gear icon) in the corner of the panel.

  2. To remove (hide) fields in the panel, click the red X for each field you want to remove.

  3. To add (unhide) fields, click the Show Inactive link and then click the green + sign for each field you want to reactivate in the panel.

  4. To relocate a field in the panel, hover the mouse over a field until a cross hair cursor appears, hold down the left mouse key and drag the field to the required location in the panel; the other fields reorder to accommodate the new location.

  5. Click Close Personalize to exit the customization mode for the panel.