Calculating or Expiring Membership Points and Issuing Award

Loyalty badge. Use Calculate Membership Points to calculate member points, expire award points, or issue (Other) awards to members in a batch process.

Calculating Membership Points

The Calculate Member Points process can be run for any membership type. This process references the point calculation rules and applies points to the member based on their activity (membership transactions)..

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Membership, then select Calculate Membership Points.

  2. Select Calculate Points.

  3. Membership Type: Select a membership type from the list

  4. Calculate Until: Enter or select a date.


    This date cannot be greater than the current date, minus the Delay in Days specified in the membership type.
  5. Click Submit.

Expiring Membership Points

The Expire Points process can be run for any membership type. This process references the Award Points Expiry Period and Expiration Date.  Expired points are not available for redemption. Membership transactions with a type of Expired are applied. You can check a members points to expire using the Points to Expire link in the profile memberships

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Membership, then select Calculate Membership Points.

  2. Select Expire Points.

  3. Membership Type: Select a membership type from the list

  4. Calculate Until: Enter or select a date .

  5. Click Submit.

Issuing Membership Awards

The Issue Awards process can be run to issue Awards to members, where Award Based On = Other. Members are issued awards of the selected type until their available award point balance is exhausted.


This process will deduct all points from all members for the selected membership type.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations, select Membership, then select Calculate Membership Points.

  2. Select Issue Awards.

  3. Membership Type: Select a membership type from the list.

  4. Award: Select an award from the list.

  5. Click Submit.