Messages To External System


Click Refresh to refresh the results and see updated status of message(s). Click Show/Hide Timestamps to display additional columns indicating the processing times.


The OPERA Cloud Exchange Message Status screen allows you to search and view all Profiles when Profile Sharing is enabled for your chain. Select Profile in the search criteria, irrespective of the property selected. 

Reprocessing Messages to External System

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select one or more messages in the search result.

  4. Click Reprocess.

    1. Click Yes to confirm.

Reprocesing All Messages to External System

Users with the Reprocess All user task granted to their role(s) can perform this action.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Click Reprocess All.

Marking Messages to External System as Reviewed

Mark a message as reviewed after you have verified an error or warning. Messages will be marked as reviewed and disappear from the search result.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select one or more messages in the search result.

  4. Click Mark As Reviewed.

  5. Messages are removed from the search result.

Hiding Reviewed Messages to External System

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Click Hide Reviewed.

Showing Reviewed Messages to External System

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Click Show Reviewed.

  4. Reviewed messages are displayed in the result with a background shading

Marking Messages to External System as Not Reviewed

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select one or more messages in the search result.

  4. Click Mark As Un-reviewed.

Deleting Messages to External System

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select one or more messages in the search result.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click Delete to confirm.

Viewing Errors & Warnings to External System

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select a message in the search result, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Errors & Warnings.

  4. The Error Code, Error Description and Error Type captured for the message is displayed.

  5. Click OK.

Viewing Messages to External System

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search.

  3. Select a message in the search result.

  4. Click the vertical ellipsis and select View.

Downloading Messages to External System

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange, select Message Status, then select Messages To External System.

  2. Enter search criteria then click Search

  3. Select a message in the search result.

  4. Click the vertical ellipsis and select Download.