Alignment Actions

Align Items

From the Unaligned list, you can quickly add all unaligned reporting items of a specific PMS Reference Code to a newly defined Enterprise Reporting Item.

  1. Create a new Enterprise Reporting item to containing the PMS Reference Code you wish to align under the Reporting Item Type.

  2. Click the Align Items button to align all property reporting items with that PMS Reference Code to the new Enterprise Reporting Item.


  1. From the Unaligned list, click and hold the Property Reporting Item to align.

  2. Drag the item onto the Enterprise Reporting item to align


  1. From the Aligned list, click and hold the Property Reporting Item to unaligned.

  2. Drag the item onto the Unaligned list

Realign Item

  1. From the Aligned list, click and hold the Property Reporting Item to realign.

  2. Drag the item onto another Enterprise Reporting Item

Realign All

To realign all property reporting items in an Enterprise Reporting Item.

  1. From the Aligned list, click and hold the Enterprise Reporting Item to realign.

  2. Drag onto another Enterprise Reporting Item.

  3. All Property Reporting Items will be realigned to the new Enterprise Reporting Item.