Enterprise Reporting Items

Create Enterprise Reporting Item

  1. From the OPERA R&A navigation menu, click Central Reporting Conversion.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Select the enterprise reporting item type.

  4. Enter a name.

  5. Depending upon the type selected, additional required fields may be presented

  6. Enter the PMS Reference

  7. Click Save.

Edit Enterprise Reporting Item

  1. From the OPERA R&A navigation menu, click Central Reporting Conversion.

  2. From the Reporting Item Type search, select the correct type for the Item to edit.

  3. From the item, click Edit.

  4. Edit a reference or name.

  5. Click Save.

Delete Enterprise Reporting Item

  1. From the OPERA R&A navigation menu, click Central Reporting Conversion.

  2. From the Reporting Item Type search, select the correct type for the Item to edit.


    Before an Enterprise Reporting Item can be deleted, any Property Reporting Items must be unaligned. Either unalign or realign any Property Reporting Items to allow for deletion.
  3. From the item, click Edit.

  4. Click Delete.