Navigating with the Keyboard

This section provides an overview of keyboard shortcuts and describes how to navigate OPI Cloud Tenant Configuration portal using the keyboard.

Table 6-1 Keyboard Commands

Key Action


Move focus to the next component

To enter/update any field value:
  • Press the Tab key, input the data and press Enter.

To select any check box:
  • Press the Tab key and press Spacebar key to select/deselect the check box.

To select any options from the drop-down list:
  • Use the Arrow (Up and Down) keys to select the value and press Enter.

To sort the items:
  • Press the Tab key and press Enter to sort the items in ascending or descending order.

To select the date:
  • Press the Tab key - Moves focus to the next object within the calendar control. When you initially open a calendar control, the focus is on the current date link.

  • Press Enter - On the Current Date link, pressing Enter selects the current date and closes the calendar control.

  • Down Arrow - Moves to the same day of the week in the next week.

  • Up Arrow - Moves to the same day of the week in the previous week.

  • Right Arrow - Moves to the next day.

  • Left Arrow - Moves to the previous day.


To enter the date:
  • Input the date and press Enter.

To download a file:
  • Press the Tab key and press Enter to download the file.

To navigate to the actions (...) menu:
  • Press the F2 key - Enters the actionable menu.

  • Press Enter - This enables keyboard action on elements inside the actions menu, including navigating between focusable elements inside the menu.

  • Up Arrow - Move focus to the item above. Press Enter to select the current item.

  • Down Arrow - Move focus to the item below. Press Enter to select the current item.

  • Esc - Exits the actionable menu.


Move focus to the previous component.


Close the open popup.

Up Arrow

Move focus and selection to the previous data item.

Down Arrow

Move focus and selection to the next data item.

Left Arrow

Move focus and selection to the previous data item (on left).

Right Arrow

Move focus and selection to the next data item (on right).