1 OPI Cloud Tenant Configuration Portal Overview

The Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) Cloud Service provides OPERA Cloud Users a single interface for industry-standard payment acceptance and opens the door to an ecosystem of payment services. Through the set of services offered by OPI Cloud Service, OPERA Cloud can communicate with Payment Service Providers or Prepaid Card Service Providers from cloud to cloud for card payment, token exchange, pay by link, and prepaid card transactions.

The OPI Cloud configuration portal is used by OPERA Cloud users with the below roles for Tenant configuration:
  • CCCONF role to map the Tenant with the Payment Service Provider endpoints for credit card, token exchange, and pay by link transactions

  • PPCONF role to map the Tenant with the Prepaid endpoints for Prepaid card transactions

OPERA Cloud users with the CCCONF role can access OPERA Cloud and create an Electronic funds transfer (EFT) property interface for a new property, activate the OPI Cloud credit card processing parameter for credit card integration, and connect to the OPI Cloud Service. This will launch the OPI Cloud Tenant Configuration portal where you can complete the Tenant configuration and map the Tenant with the PSP endpoints for each Transaction type (Credit/Debit Card, Token Exchange, or Pay By Link) to perform end-to-end transactions.


A tenant can be configured with a Pay by Link endpoint only if it is configured with a Credit Card endpoint. The Pay by Link endpoint can be configured along with the Credit Card endpoint, as the Pay by Link payment response includes a token that will be used in the future.

OPERA Cloud users with the PPCONF role can access OPERA Cloud, activate the Prepaid Card parameter for prepaid card transactions, and create a SVS property interface for a new property. Once the property is created, connect to the OPI Cloud Service. This will launch the OPI Cloud Tenant Configuration portal, where you can complete the Tenant configuration and map the Tenant with the prepaid card endpoints to perform prepaid card transactions.


If there is an existing EFT interface or SVS interface, it is recommended to delete the old interface and create a new one instead of editing the existing one.

This user can perform the following activities in the Tenant Configuration portal:

  • View/Update Core Configuration Information
    • Select a Payment Service Provider and corresponding endpoints for the hotel property for card, token exchange and pay by link transactions

    • Add Prepaid card endpoints for the OPERA Cloud property for prepaid card transactions

  • View/Update Card Mappings

  • Audit information

    • Audit Search