Periodic Reports on DLP

A "global" revision/version in DLP is defined as the qualifying revision/version of case data that is selected as per current logic while running a Periodic report in DLP. Today, this revision/version is based on the Japanese aware dates for Japanese Periodic reports.

A "global cleanup" revision in DLP is defined as the qualifying data clean up revision of case data that is selected as per current logic while running a Periodic report in DLP with option "Next Completed Version".

Note that today this revision/version is based on the Japanese aware dates for Japanese Periodic reports.

When Japanese Periodic Reports (PSR/ReSD, J-DSUR, and Seiyakukyo) are generated on DLP using "Last Completed Version", then reportable revision of the case is the last local lock revision that corresponds to the qualifying global revision before the report end date. If there is no local lock corresponding to the qualifying global revision, then the reportable revision of the case becomes the qualifying global revision.

If there is no globally locked version, then the reportable revision of the case is the last local revision that corresponds to the qualifying global revision before the report end date.

When Japanese Periodic Reports (PSR/ReSD, J-DSUR, and Seiyakukyo) are generated on DLP using "Next Completed Version", then the system searches for case revision of the last local lock that corresponds to the qualifying global cleanup revision before report end date. If there is no local lock corresponding to the qualifying global revision, then the reportable revision of the case becomes the qualifying global revision.

If there is no globally locked clean-up version, then the reportable revision of the case is the last local revision that corresponds to the qualifying global clean-up revision or qualifying global version or revision, whichever is available, before the report end date.