Rejecting Local Events

  1. Click the icon associated with the incoming event and select Reject Local Event.
  2. Enter a justification for rejecting the event in the Action Justification dialog box and click OK.
    Action Justification dialog box
  3. In the Reject Local Event dialog, click OK.
  4. When the case is rejected, the Reject icon appears adjacent to the case.
  5. When the case is rejected, the action item is displayed within LAM Worklist - LAM Action Items from Central in both Initial and Follow-up rejection scenarios, with the following attributes:
Initial Events Follow-up


The local date of the person rejecting the case

Action Item Code

The action item code that can be configured through List Maintenance.

Action Item Description

"Case rejected by central due to" followed by the notes/reason entered by the Oracle Argus Affiliate acceptor.

Responsible User

Set to "any".

Due Date

The due date, which is populated automatically.